Good morning, dear world of FatSecret!

First of all, THANK YOU for all the compliments yesterday. It was very daunting to show the pictures, but it's so much easier to share the ”befores” when they are followed by ”afters”.

I can't stop staring at the pictures. I'm still trying to relate to them. I'm curious as to what it all looks like when the bloating is gone and everything is back to normal.

It's 3:21 AM, and I am – as so often before – done sleeping.

I slept good, much better than last night.

Yesterday was a little rough on me in several ways.

First of all, our furniture is not very post-surgery-friendly. I do have my ”throne” where I normally sit, it's a recliner and it's pretty good, but not for sitting the ENTIRE day. Not at this point of my recovery.

The healing in itself still doesn't hurt, but my back aches. It gets tedious, and it keeps me from a good night's sleep, and I get restless throughout the day.

Also, I get bored. Oh. So. Bored. Normally, when I get bored, I go to my bass guitar and practice, or mess with my sound, trying to improve something, or I go online and mess around.

Trouble is, that the bass is completely out of the question these days, it's much too heavy. The other things, well they all require that I reach kind of far in front of me, and that is something I can't do right now while sitting in my chair – the only place I really can sit.

We basically spent all day watching TV, and it was okay. It just isn't entertaining for an ENTIRE day, and doing this for a whole week (or more) will turn my brain into pudding, I think. I'm trying to find things to watch that will challenge my brain, something that is more than ”just TV”. Maybe that will help.

Trouble is, of course, also that we I get bored I want to snack. This is the worst time to be snacking as my calorie burn is at an absolute minimum.

Other than that, the healing process is going fine. I have no dripping from the wounds any longer, they all look nice. I just take it easy, and I barely feel it. Having my tummy belt on all day is a royal pain, but I guess I'll get used to it. I think I'm supposed to wear it for several months.

Last night, just before bed, I took one of Wife's stronger pain killers, to ease my back. Oh boy did that help. I think I will do that for the nights throughout the next week, until I get the stitches out and have permission to sleep on my side and in my usual strange positions again.

I did fall off the wagon a little bit on snacks yesterday. Wife brought home cake from the store, a little comfort food. She knows to not do that, but she wanted to be sweet to me, knowing how I feel these days. So of course I had some, and then I had some more. It was good, too.

She also bought me my favorite low calorie ice cream, which I had a nice portion of.

Other than that I had my usual breakfast, a light lunch, and Wife and I shared a pizza. The pizza was great – and half the pizza was MORE than plenty. I calculated one of those suckers once, got the information about the ingredients from our favorite local pizza pusher, and the worse of the pizzas they have (of those that I would ever consider ordering) are about 1500 calories. So half is 750.

With these things I estimate that I ended up around 2000-2500 calories, which is really my maintenance level. Hmmm. I guess didn't do THAT bad. :)

Today, Wife is taking Daughter shopping instead of me going. I can't lift, can't walk too far, can't sit. I think I will regret going. I might try out for a short little walk outside at some point instead, I'm afraid I'll go stir crazy if I don't see something other than my living room.

So how about the weight?

Well, as I write this I don't know what I weigh yet. I haven't been on the scale yet, it's only 3:37 AM, and I really wanted to wait a little. I am wearing yesterdays sweat pants, socks, hospital belt and a bunch of other things that will weigh me down, and I know the my weigh-in will be intimidating already. I will do a separate weigh-in, so if you check up on me and it's still in the 70's then it will simply be because I haven't weighed in just yet, or that I decided to chicken out. :)

I jumped on the scale at one point yesterday, just to confirm that I am significantly heavier than I would have guessed. Boy, was I right.

The scale at that time clocked me in at 88.1 kgs! Not 78.1, but 88.1 kgs. This is 12.3 kgs higher than my lowest. It's 11 kgs higher than my goal weight! DAAAAAAAAMN!

I did panic for a moment until I thought it over. Last Friday I was 78.8. I gained 10 kgs through the week. So which of these scenarios are most likely:

1. I had surgery and I am retaining water.
2. The tiny meals at the hospital plus yesterday's cake gave me 70,000 calories more than I burned.

I think we know the answer to this one, huh? :)

I'm not at all worried about the weight, I just don't like to see the number. I know the fluids will disappear one way or the other. I'm drinking a LOT of water to help it on the way, but it will take time. It's a natural thing to happen when recovering from surgery, and supposedly (Google told me!) the two things that impact it is the size of the cut (mine was essentially enormous!), and the length of the surgery session (7 hours!). So I'd say I'm in the category to be holding fluids like crazy.

I do feel the heaviness of my body. I try to use it as a reminder to NOT get to this point in fat gain ever again. It's already very heavy to carry my body around, and it is truly disturbing to think that I once weighed in at 155 kgs. I can't believe that I was even able to be moving around, let alone be walking around all day as I used to do.

I was very leary about wether I should weigh in today or not. It's gonna take me SO far away from my goal. It's gonna bring me back on the green bar. Then again, does it matter?

I mean, I have accomplished what I came here for, right? This is not a fat gain, it's the after effects from surgery. It's purely vanity that makes me NOT want to weigh in. I simply don't like to see the number and what it will do to my account. FatSecret has some great tools to keep an eye on things, and I think I need to think of it like that.

I have decided that I will start weighing in daily while I am this bloated and heavy. I want to keep an eye on it.

I'm not too worried about the calories. Actually, I believe it's important for my body to get enough nutrients right now, so it's probably better to be a little over RDI than a little under, simply for my body to be happy and recover faster. Of course that doesn't grant any free-for-alls, but just that I eat with common sense.

This includes the pizza yesterday. We did make it a ”wise choice” pizza. Wife wanted meat and cheese, and I figured that the proteins would do me good. We chose the pie to be whole wheat, and it was really good. I think I had room for the calories, and it all settled well.

In Denmark, a pizza is about what, 12-14 inches? A little larger than an old school vinyl LP. We have a tradition here that when we eat pizza, people essentially order one each, with whatever they want. We have the optional family pizza that will feed several people, but usually people like to have their own. 1500 calories each, as I mentioned earlier.

I have no clue how many of these I have downed over the years. I'm talking MANY. Never, until very recent times, have I ever considered just eating half. It's just not the way to eat pizza, and there is no optional smaller size. It's the same everywhere.

I'm really glad that Wife and I got into sharing them. First of all, they don't make me constipated and feel uncomfortable for a full week afterwards. Some of you may remember how I have cussed myself out for eating pizza in numerous journals through the last couple of years. Second, it's not nearly as damaging on my RDI. If I plan ahead, I can squeeze in a 750 calorie meal any day of the week. I just gotta compensate a little on the other meals, no problem.

This is what I like about calorie counting. I haven't really restricted my food choices a whole lot through this whole thing. I have eaten what I wanted, when I wanted it most of the time. I have had so many ”bad” things that it makes no sense that I lost all this weight. At least it makes no sense to those watching and not understanding what it is we are doing when we count calories.

So many people think that starving themselves and/or working themselves to death in the gym will make them thin. I am so happy that I have learned that it doesn't. I am so happy to have learned that it's about moderation on the foods, reasonable exercise, but just as much about inner peace and happiness, and being in a good place mentally. Once we truly figure this out, the weight will almost come off by itself.

Today, I am thankful for:
- feeling better than yesterday. Recovery is going well, and I can tell a difference every day. Nice.
- Hopefully a day not TOO boring.
- A reasonable (though short) night's sleep.

Have a great weekeend, friends! Life is good!

Just saw the pics you put up yesterday and wanted to thank you for doing that for your followers and fellow buddies who truly love ya! Your wounds have stopped seeping... that is great news! Hope that you get through this week without doing anything silly like reaching too far for something... please don't overdo it. You are going to get your strength back and get even more antsy than you are now (cabin fever, bored, etc). I am so proud of you! Keep on journaling and thanks again for sharing this experience. It's been incredible to go on this journey with you. ((((BIG HUGS!!)))) 
22 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: Mom2Boxers
Glad you are making good progress - I'm sure you will figure out something to keep the boredom and snacking at bay, but most of all, just focus on your recovery!! I think it's a good plan to document your weigh-ins so you can see how your body is reacting to the surgery/recovery process.. Enjoy your weekend!! 
22 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: erika2633
WOW - free time eh? It's like being all dressed up with no place to go! Maybe you could go to and download some cool books to your Ipod so you can listen to them while resting comfortably. They are much more interesting than TV and you can pick what you enjoy! And thanks so much for mentioning moderation being important. I have been so terribly stalled with my loss right now - and also been quite rigid, too. Today I kind of let go a little of my stubborness so hope to see some change in the near future. Keep Rockin' it ! 
22 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: HCB
Ideas for "just sitting": start watching a new TV series, read Wikipedia, organize your digital photos, write thank-you notes, create new musical playlists, build Pinterest boards for vacations or home improvement projects, torture Kitty with a laser pointer, write love notes and hide them around the house for Wife to find, clean out a junk drawer, pick new recipes, make a photo album with your weight loss journey, program your DVR, update your insurance or will, clip coupons online, browse Goodreads for new books, waste time on Buzzfeed, build a social media account, leave Yelp reviews, meditate, make lists, pet the cat and hum, write new song lyrics, write your politicians, make a bucket list, buy some tickets (spend hours figuring out what for), call a friend or sister, write a bunch of birthday cards now (wait to mail them), update your holiday card list, fix something handheld, sort out old keys, ... You get the idea!! Have a speedy recovery! 
23 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: Heidijoy
Great update KingKeld. You are, of course, correct that there is no way you had enough calories for the gain to be fat. My mother recently had knee surgery. She is at a thin healthy weight and after her hospital stay she weighed an extra 10 pounds. Her doctor explained that she was given lots of iv fluids during and after surgery and that her body was producing lots of serum to heal her wounds. Within a week or so this extra fluid was gone and her weight was normalized. You had a very significant surgery and you are really rocking your recovery. let the scale say what it will for a few weeks. I bet you stabilize below your lowest weight once the healing is well established. Good luck with finding ways to keep your mind entertained while recuperating. How about taking up knitting?! 
23 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: joyfulgirl
I can imagine how bored you must be... Watching TV all day and all evening, will definately turn your brain into a pudding, LOL. Very, very frustrating... Hopefully, it won't be too long until you can get around - I hope the weather keeps good for you, so that at least you can enjoy a bit of sunshine. 
23 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: Sk1nnyfuture
I told you so! It is boring pal, and I know where your at. I dont know if your a gamer, but my PS3 saved my butt in my recovery. I dont even use it much anymore. If your not a gamer, "I dont know what to tell you", lol. Maybe movies. And even the most comfortable chair sucks like hell if you have to sit there all day. I am with you, feel free to shoot me long emails to read, although not sure I can reply today. :-P Going to party with Wifey for her BDAY!! Cheat Cheat Drink Drink CHeat Drink. Its all good.  
23 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: posterchild66
JP have an awesome time with your Wifey, and tell her happy birthday from me, will you? I'm not much of a gamer, but I do have an Xbox360. Trouble is that I only really play rockband on it, and it gives me same trouble as playing my bass, only without the weight. The position I sit in is wrong. Hmmmm... maybe I should go through Daughter's games and see if anything is remotely interesting? Trouble is, it usually isn't. :/ I'm not into the 1st person shooters, or the strategy. The Rockband game is obviously what got me to buy an xbox. :)  
23 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: kingkeld
I hear you King, its hard to "get into" a game your "not into". I would suggest Assassins Creed, a western game called "Red Dead Redemption" or "Saints Row 3". All with plenty of violence and fun and will burn time up for you. Also, Skyrim was great.  
23 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: posterchild66
By Assassins Creed, I mean the newer ones, not even sure what its called. I think Brotherhood or later. You actually learn a lot of history of Rome & Popes and stuff, lol. Stunning graphics.  
23 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: posterchild66
I think Daughter has some of the Ass. Creed games. I'll check it out. Trouble is, once I suck at something and keeps dying it gets old real fast. I suck at games. LOL! 
23 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: kingkeld
Do the games and you will still have a pudding brain. I like some of Heidijoy's ideas much better...but who am I...just a girl. :) 
23 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: Baxie
Heidijoy has many good suggestions, but most require that I sit at a table, or that I can reach in front of me. I am VERY limited on these. I can not sit at a dinner table, I can not do things that pulls me forward, or where I sit with my arms out, like long term typing on my PC. I use the tablet A LOT these days.  
23 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: kingkeld
Your pictures are fantastic. I'm glad you're pleased with the results, because they are wonderful! I love how you're so aware of the numbers, weekly intake vs. expenditure, but not freaked out by it. That awareness is why you will continue to keep the weight off & enjoy your fabulous new body! Excellent progress, my friend. :) 
23 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: kstubblefield
Thanks, kstub (and everyone else). I am super pleased with the results. Honestly, I was a little worried how it would look. I have seen photos online and some are awesome (like mine) and some are... well, not awesome. Sure, all probably have a problem solved, but not all look great. I don't think I could reasonably expect mine to be any better than it is.  
23 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: kingkeld
I told Robot Mum how much you inspire me, both with what you have achieved, and with how upbeat you always are. I told her about the surgery. Robot Mum is a nurse, and she told me that after a surgery that huge and intrusive, your body is essentially in shock. Everything shuts right down, and then re-sets once the initial trauma is over. Plus, fluid retention is totally to be expected. Give it a couple of weeks, be sensible, treat yourself kindly, and keep up the vegebles and lots of water, and I bet you'll have a good drop soon. xx 
24 Jun 12 vom Mitglied: ferlengheti


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