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09 August 2012

Good Morning FS buddies! Yesterday was good. I had fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch and the BF and I had Subway for dinner. On the way home from Subway, we stopped at the park bc there were a bunch of guys playing basketball and BF wanted to check out what that was all about. He ended up playing for a couple hours, which was awesome! He doesn't get any exercise really and it's nice to see some kind of physical activity that excites him. Not to mention sexy :)

Tonight I am going to see if he wants to go to the gym with me. We'll see what he says. Little by little FS buddies! I almost got him. It's exciting. Hopefully we can get fit together! That would be just awesome.

Anyway, I am 190 again, which is fabulous. Almost down to my lowest 189.4lbs that my weight history shows on here. Hopefully I can get under that my my b-day on Monday :)

Last thing: update on the job front. I haven't heard anything yet. A couple of my coworkers got interviews too. One got paperwork like I did and the other one didn't, which sucks bc the girl who didn't get the paperwork I really like. But it's a good sign for me because they are not just handing out the paperwork to anyone. Hopefully everything goes thru and I will hear from the by the end of the week.

Alright, time for me to get to work. Hope everyone has a fantastic day! Peace :)

08 August 2012

Hello buddies! I missed journaling yesterday because I had a very exciting day. I had an interview for a new job! And It's more up my alley of what I want to do with my life :-p not to mention more money, which is always a plus. The interview went swimmingly. They loved me. And why wouldn't they, I'm too charming for my own good :)A half hour later they e-mailed the application and paperwork for a background check. So, everyone, cross your fingers for me and let's get some good news!

I've also been doing very well on the eating front! I've been staying around my RDI while adherring (not SUPER strictly) to the Eat to Live plan. I have my slip ups, but they are logged and accounted for. I'm almost back down to my lowest weight that is logged in here bc it went to sh*t when the BF came back.

You guys, yesterday, I was so strong. My roommate (stick skinny 116lbs AND eats whatever she wants not fair) got chinese from Yummy House, which is arguably the best Chinese food in Tampa, and got WAY too much for herself. Of course it was Orange Chicken and an entree of the pan fried wide noodles with seafood. OMG it looked soooooooo good. I did have a little piece of each just to taste. It tasted BETTER than how it looked. I wanted to devour it! But I didn't. I went to the gym instead :) Then I came home to shower and picked up the BF. We stopped at the gas station for snacks. He got my favorite Cheese Puffs. AAAAHHHHH! I didn't have not a one! I did have to have a little piece of dark chocolate just to taste something I loved. Lol. So yeah, chinese food that i've been craving for a couple weeks and cheese puffs my favorite snack. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. It's my birthday week so I have to be strong so I can look good in my dress :)

Anyway, that was my day yesterday. I hope everyone has a great day and hopefully I can be as strong today as I was yesterday! Also, send me some good vibes about that job. I need a good change in my life :) TTFN FS Buddies!

06 August 2012

03 August 2012

Good morning and happy Friday! This week lasted WAY too long, but it's over now :)

Okay, Day 2 of Six Week Plan. I had Vegetable Rice Noodle Soup and a chicken thigh. I was not supposed to eat the chicken. It's that one serving of meat that gets me. I've already had my meat for the day today too. A couple slices of bacon. Our manager bought us breakfast for our weekly meeting. So while everyone is having bacon, sausage and gravy, eggs, biscuits and breakfast sandwiches slathered in ketchup, hot sauce and syrup, I am having mixed fruit with a couple pieces of bacon. AND we all had to sit at the same table. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I just kept looking at their food and trying to count the calories. I figure if you cannot acurately count the calories, chances are, you do need to eat it. I find that processed food is really hard to guage the amount of calories you're shoving into your face because they pack so much fat, sugar, and sodium into these foods just to get us hooked to them. It's cruel really.

So this weekend, weather permitting, I want to go hiking or canoeing with the BF. He's never been and I want to do something outside. This all has to happen after I work for a couple hours. I just got a little job sign waiving for a waxing place on Saturdays. Just three hours to add a little extra money in my pocket. What's three hours a week right?
I'll probably just do it until the end of the year.

Other that that, I'm feeling okay. I was too crampy to go to the gym yesterday, so I have to bang that out after work today. I have so much to do today before I get to see the BF. I have to get my nails done, laundry, dishes and vacuuming. Ugh. It's worth not having to do it for the whole weekend though so I just need to suck it up.

I'm more worried about my eating this weekend. Everytime we get together, I don't really think to hard about what is going into my mouth and the truth is in my food log. I NEED to buckle down this weekend. It's mostly chocolate and sandwiches that get me. I had Taco Bus last weekend so that was a bust (but soooo delish). So this weekend, SALADS! I'm going to try to cook as much as possiblei think I might do some mini turkey meatloafs. Those are very go-to. I bake them in a cupcake tin so I'll have little mini loaves to have all during the week.

Anyway, time to finish out my busy day. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll try journaling this weekend because I said I'd do it everyday for this Six Week Plan business. Hopefully I'll see some results come my birthday next monday. Be easy FS peeps :)

02 August 2012

Okay,yesterday was my first official day on the Six Week Plan. It was difficult considering TOM. This has just been a hard week for me overall and I can't seem to focus. My thoughts are scattered, but I kept it together for the most part.

I did eat an oz of chicken, a piece of wheat bread and baked sweet potato. I was only supposed to have one of those. I will do better today. I did have a chocolate craving like I do EVERYDAY :) but I suffered thru it. Not going to lie though, I had a couple glasses of wine to cope, but it's all logged and accounted for. I went over my RDI by 50 calories, which isn't too bad considering most of these calories came from plants. *update* I didn't even go over because I found something that I logged but didn't end up eating yay!

I also had a near brutal workout last night. I don't think it was because the workout itself was hard. I just had no energy. But I pushed thru it and completed it and it took EVERY fiber of my being. So back to it after work today eventhough I'm dead tired. I'm just going to bring gym clothes back from lunch and go right after work so I can just get it over with.

Then today is my prep day for the bf to come this weekend. SO I have to vacuum, do laundry, dishes and all that before I go to bed. I'll probably save some of that to do tomorrow. I'll just do as much as I can today. Dishes at least then it's shower, change into a moo moo and then bedtime. I just want to go into autopilot up until the time when I hit my bed.

Well, here's to day two! I would say I hope it'll be easier, but I know it will be just as hard if not harder. But I need to do this. I want to make 2013 the last year that I have to lose weight. I've been doing this for almost four years now. Time to actually finish something I start! Wish me luck!

Have a great day buddies :)

p.s. I would also like to credit myself because I have a new cubemate at work and she has a basket of chocolatey treats that is fully stocked at her desk and I haven't even thought about taking one. And y'all know me and my chocolate addiction! :)

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