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08 Mai 2014

8th of May

I am so tired!
I was fine when I got up but now, 2 hours later I am flagging.

Yesterday morning I saw my journal appear on the 'featured' page. First time ever. I must be 'special' LOL

My Kettlebell class was cancelled last night. They called about 5pm to let me know they couldn't get a replacement for Gary. He had already told us last Wednesday tha he was on holiday. I went early to the gym, 1/2 hour on the elliptical, 1 hour Kettlebell (managed 740 reps). 140 more than last friday :)

The easter choc is finally gone. I polished it of straight after work yesterday and then I went to Waitrose and bought 2 bars of 90% dark Lindt chocolate. Now this is pure delight to eat. So intense and soooo smooth. The only chocolate I can eat 1 bit and feel happy and content.

The prune I cut into Oakeys liver worked. Definetely no more constipation for him ;)

Its raining again, so fence building might be put on hold for a few days. Just need to pop round to my house this afternoon to pick up my mail and then I guess only dog walking and weekly shop is on the agenda.

Feeling less anxious today. Was I missing my good chocolate?

Had 3 ryvitas, a piece of smoked trout, some grilled halloumi, courgette chutney, cherry tomatoes and some cucumber for dinner. I was tempted to have some more but for once I stopped and told myself that I could get some more if I was still hungry later. I wasn't. Instead we settled down for an hour of 'Masterchef'. Now these girls and guys CAN cook :)

06 Mai 2014

Tuesday 6th of May

Another long weekend.

Who on earth ever thought of moving all the 'Bank' Holidays (apart from easter and x-mas) to a monday. I like the german way. They take them as they come. If it lands on a sunday - tough- you have a day less, but then again its nice to have a wednesday of, just because.

We started building the fence in the back garden, well rebuilding it. It will look proper posh when its all done :).

Saying that, we have been looking at a property. If we both throw all our other properties together we might be able to affort it. It be nice to have a fresh start. No memories attached, just room to make new ones.
Maybe we will find something that doesn't cost the world!

I be glad when my easter chocolate is gone. I only had one egg but it weight 300 gramms. I feel like I am always eating chocolate in the moment, and if its not chocolate, I keep on finding cakes in the freezer that really need eating up.

Oakey(the young spanial) has been suffering with constipation. He had too many Lamb bones. But with combined effort and long walks, we got him going again :)

Next weekend we will go and have a look at a new puppy. They are not born yet. The owner has slept in the same room as the bitch for the last 3 nights but as it is her first litter.....she is taking her time. So fingers crossed we won't have to wait too long.

I have this really 'un-easy-feeling'. I don't know why or what it is about. Feeling guilty without knowing what 'crime' I have commited. Hmmmm.
I remember feeling like that quite often when I was a child. Being worried about things that MIGHT happen. Making my stomach churn and feeling slightly sick.

02 Mai 2014

I am special

Well a bit of me is anyway :)

I gave blood again yesterday, my 16th time, and I was told I was a Baby-Donor. When she saw the look on my face, the nurse explained: As my blood doesn't contain CMV (a common but nasty virus, or more specific the antibodies to it) it is suitable for premature babies who haven't developed enough bone marrow to produce their own red blood cells.

Every time I think about it, a get a little shiver. I know that giving blood saves lives, but it made it just that little more special to know where your blood goes :)

I have been a tat lazy with journaling but once this next Bank Holiday Monday is out the way I will try to be a bit more regular ;)

I think my weight is steady. I have not weight in for 171 days. But the way my clothes fit, I might be well and truly in maintenance. I know a couple of extra pounds wouldn't hurt but I feel happy where I am in the moment. Still concentrating on strength training with a bit of cardio thrown in.

Now if I could get my Hayfever a bit more under control.........!!!!

Happy Days

04 April 2014

Friday 4th of April


Ahhhhh, I had the 1st good night sleep in a long time and I feel so much better for it. I'm not completly over it, just simply feeling better.
Again I really enjoyed my walk with the 3 woowoos just as it was getting light. Its so peaceful this time of the day. You don't see anyone. All you hear is the birds morning chorus. Its amazing.

The air quality is improving again too. The smog has lifted and the sahara sand has settled. I could tell the difference too. I did have to use my asthma inhaler the last 3 nights, but the sky is clear today, so things are definetely looking up.

I have not exercised since last week wednesday. I do miss it, lots. But there is no point in going back to it before I feel well enough. I might take LBs granddaughter swimming on Sunday. We will see.

Eating was 98% ok. I did indulge in 2 Lindt chocolate balls and a handful of brazil nuts. I did feel a bit sorry for myself last night.

I go and get my hair cut this afternoon. Hopefully she can cut all of the still blond ends of and I will see my own proper colour for the first time in 30 years. Jikes. Its very salt and pepper and I am not sure if I stick with it or start colouring it again. My scalp did enjoy the break from the chemicals though. I think I stopped more than 6 month ago.

LB did not have a good night. Silly bugger won't take any painkillers. Hope he heals quickly as he is already soooooooo bored. Sitting on the settee is just not his thing!!!!

Happy Weekend :)

03 April 2014

Thursday 3rd of April

A day at the hospital. Yesterday. With LB. It all went well and I took him home just before 1pm. But now he has to rest for at least 10 days and let the stitches heal. No walking around, apart from the necessary trips to the bathroom, his legs elevated 99% of the time. Plenty of time to read and watch TV. Shear nightmare for him, as it would be for me!

I am still full of snot! During the night it runs down the back of my throat, causing me to cough and splutter when I get up. But the good thing of walking the dogs at 5.30 in the morning in a field: nobody hears or sees you can just let it out.

Planted my first beans in the green house yesterday. Oh how I love this time of a year :). And I filled 5 big planter pots with very early potatoes.

Another day of nearly perfect eating for me yesterday. I was disgusted to see how much unhealthy food they serve in hospital when I went for a cup of coffee. All the restaurants and coffee shops were full of white bread, sweets, crisps and other junk. But I did find a little shop tucked away in a far corner of the hospital that sold lovely fruit, veg and plants.

I did have two Lindt dark chocolate balls, 1 after lunch and 1 after dinner. LBs daughter gave them to me for mothersday. So sweet :)

After work I will attempt to do a quick weekly shop, so I have the rest of the afternoon to keep LB amused and take the dogs for a long walk.

Pretty tired today. I didn't sleep much as I was worried to kick LBs legs and cause him pain. And I don't think he slept much either.

Never mind.

Happy Days are here to stay :)

PS: Glen, the greek yogurt I get is made by a company called Fage, the yogurt is called Total 0% greek yogurt.

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