Want2BFit's Notizen, 19 Dez 09

I can't believe its almost 2010 already! I've been debating for the past month or so what my next program would be, as I have a short attn: span, so I constantly need to change it up/be challenged. I've had one program for the past year, I love the instructor, but I can't seem to stick with it. I have about 13-15lbs left to drop which is really exciting, I've never been this close to being DONE and that makes me crazy excited. As of an hour ago, I finally decided I'm going to have to make the next year one of GO HARD OR GO HOME, I tend to ease myself into things, but I'm tired of feeling my muscles underneath the fat; I'm loving all the results i'm getting, i'm just impatient and its too cold for me to stick to strict low carb, I mean I can't, but I want to be able to enjoy more food w. out mentally beating myself up. So, I've decided to do a crazy program called Insanity, after that I can definitely call myself FIT. It's supposed to be one of the hardest, if not THE hardest workout programs on DVD, but like most people I'll be crazy motivated by January; and I'd love to see how far I can come w. the program, not only will I be blasting belly fat, but I'll be increasing my endurance which is always good. I remember when I was barely getting 5 squat thrusts in w. Phase I of RevAbs, and I'm grinning ear to ear when I can do 12+ in Phase II. I know there will be tons of expletives involved, but it'll be worth it. Trying to see how tech savvy I am here, lol, but here's a video of the program. Anyone interested in joining me on any kind of workout challenge let me know!

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