Mitglied seit Juli 2007
Du folgst

99,8 kg
Bisher verloren: 3,6 kg

Aktuelles Gewicht
103,4 kg
Erfolg: Zunahme von 0,5 kg pro Woche

63,5 kg
Still to go: 39,9 kg
I'm 24, and a working mom who also goes to college. I have no idea where I'll find the time to exercise, since eating right I already more or less do (some days I have a soda problem), but I'm going to have to figure it out.

I do medical/dental assisting full time and legal assisting part time, and I am studying vet assisting. My boyfriend does electric engine rebuilding full time and alarm installation part time, and he's considering doing an apprenticeship at a motorcycle shop so he can work there soon instead of doing the alarm installation.

My girls are still small, and I know that eventually they'll most likely not remember that mommy was too big to play tag for long or something like that, provided I can lose the extra weight and build up my endurance.

At 20 months (single, Cheyanne, my boyfriend's cousin's kid), 21 months (twins, Alezandrea and Evangeline, my friend's kids), 26 months (twins, Abigayle and Isabelle, another friend's kids), and 29 months (twins, Eden and Avery, my kids), it is a little hard to keep up with them all. I love to play with them, I just would like to not have to take as many breaks if we play a game where we have to run.

I plan on losing at least 60 lbs (preferably more like 80.) I'm sick of getting out of breath when we hike the trails in the woods (if I didn't have to yell all the time, I might not be so out of breath, but still...), and I'm sick of wearing a size 18 pants and XL shirt.

I understand that I'll never fit into the size 8/9's that I used to wear in high school and college, but at this point, even a size 12 sounds pretty nice. 18's are big-ass pants, man.

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