Nikina70's Notizen

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21 Juli 2023

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
66 kg 20 kg 0 kg Recht gut
   (2 Kommentare) Zunahme von 0,3 kg pro Woche

14 Juli 2023

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
65,7 kg 20,3 kg 0 kg Recht gut
   (7 Kommentare) Verlust von 0,1 kg pro Woche

07 Juli 2023

My weight seems to hover around 66.5kg all week until the Friday when it comes back down to this so I may be kidding myself and should actually be looking at the average, but as long as I can keep my calories for the week at bay and stay under 66kg on my Friday morning weigh-in that's fine for now.

The doctor called me yesterday to discuss the results of my blood test and said everything is fine, but potassium is high - so he's referred me for another blood test, which I've booked for a week away. Didn't get to discuss starting HRT at all as he says we need to get these things stabilised first. It's a bit frustrating because all he said was to cut out my daily banana and drink lots of water before my next blood test.

After I spoke to him I looked online for foods high in potassium and it's just about everything I love and eat all the time - beetroot, sweet potato, potatoes, spinach, bran flakes, soya milk, yoghurt and chunks, beans, lentils, nuts, dried fruit and chocolate. So now I'm not too sure if I should be avoiding all these foods for the next week because that's what I would normally eat.

Hubby says just cut out the bananas as the doc said, but I didn't remind the gp that I'm vegetarian so didn't realise to mention to him that just about everything I normally eat is high in potassium. But, I think I'll just consciously try to cut some of those things out for a while instead of avoiding everything - and hope it goes back to a normal level.

There is so much conflicting information on the net so I'm trying not to go down a rabbit hole of doubt and worry that I'm heading for some kind of kidney failure or heart disease. I'll just try to eat a few less of the things that are obviously high, but for now I'm not cutting out absolutely everything.

I'm still feeling quite tired - in my limbs and just mentally and physically even though I've only been walking my usual amount. Should hit my target of 6,500 average daily steps again this week and I've done it for the past two so that's good. Just not much energy for a dumbbell workout. I think I did one last Saturday that felt fine, but of course I had to have an almost 2 hour nap later that afternoon to counter it. I'm napping most days just to get through the day. Being a freelancer I can accommodate for it, but my lack of energy and motivation is a worry. I'm getting some work done, but my to-do list is constant and never-ending even when I do tick some things off daily.

Anyhoo, that's what's been up with me lately. In other news I've got some new specs for the first time in my life - turns out I'm near-sighted in one eye and far-sighted in the other, which is why my eyes have been feeling quite strained lately. Still getting used to them.

Hubby and I are planning to go to a free music/food festival half an hour away tomorrow. We'll take our camping chairs and it's in a big park so there will be some walking done as well. Then we're doing a Meetup walk with some friends on Sunday in a local park we walk to from home. I'm hoping the weather won't scupper our plans because tomorrow there is 85% chance of rain - but my fingers are crossed for a summer miracle. Naps are scheduled for both days too.

This diary is mostly for my own reference to look back on in future so not sure who would have made it this far. Last Friday I wrote a long update along with my weigh-in and something happened and I had to refresh my browser and lost it all - so didn't have time to type it all again. But such is life sometimes.

Yesterday the FS legend, TJV1959, did a wonderful post on his forms of self mental health therapy and I need to find some time to sit down and list these for myself and try to make them part of my daily routine too. Thank you for sharing, Tim! I'm not sure if you'll read this, but I'm so glad you're doing well and I'll try to comment on one of your posts soon.

Hope you're all doing well too! And have a lovely weekend, friends! xxx
Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
65,8 kg 20,2 kg 0 kg Recht gut
   (12 Kommentare) Zunahme von 0,1 kg pro Woche

05 Juli 2023

30 Juni 2023

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
65,7 kg 20,3 kg 0 kg 100%
   (2 Kommentare) Verlust von 0,9 kg pro Woche

Nikina70's Gewichtsverlauf

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