Fritzy 22's Notizen

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17 Juli 2024

Peach cobbler is in the oven, since 8:30am. I will only use the oven in the morning during the hot, hot months of summer. Not sure how it will turn out as I only got 5 cups of peaches when the recipe calls for 8. I used a smaller baking dish than called for. I'm a lousy cook regardless, but I am crossing my fingers for this. The calories for one serving are included in today's food journal. There are supposed to be 6 servings, but who knows. My plan was to freeze 3 servings and have 1 serving today through Friday. It's also possible I'll eat 3 servings today or throw the whole thing out if it's awful or I burn it. Reminds me, I need to go check it.

Lunch plans are more rotisserie chicken from Costco and to air fry Brussels sprouts. Snacks are the Costco snack package of peanuts and string cheese. Bobby and kitty Marco are thrilled about the chicken!

16 Juli 2024

Since I stepped on the scale after avoiding it for about 3 months and seeing a big gain, I've stuck to my plan for the most part. I've had some trouble with IF and not eating after about 2pm and there have been days when I'll get a tablespoon of pumpkin seeds or a string cheese, even toasted half an English muffin. But late yesterday afternoon I wanted ice cream. Kept trying to talk myself out of it but finally, around 4pm I got in the car and drove to my little town together a scoop of ice cream. I went there 3 or 4 times while my house was for sale and I had to go out for an hour or so while the house was being shown. It had been a,month at least. I got there and saw no cars in the parking lot and thought maybe there were closed on Mondays. Then I saw the sign on the door that said "Permanently Closed". I thought maybe that meant I shouldn't have ice cream! But I still stopped on my way home at the small grocery store. Not one parking space so I just went home.

Today is another day though and I am going to Costco where they have wonderful ice cream sundaes!

I've been giving away dozens and dozens of peaches from my tree. Tere are still plenty for me and the deer. I've thought about making a peach cobbler but so far I've just been eating the peaches.

I'm enjoying being able to sleep in the much cooler guest room, but one of the cats stays in the master bedroom, laying on the floor not understanding why the bed isn't there. I plan on getting a king size bed in a couple months when the master bedroom is comfortable again once the weather cools down.

13 Juli 2024

I cooked chicken breast in the oven this morning while it is still cool enough. Will add to salad at lunch. I am cooking onions and mushrooms in the air fryer for breakfast this morning. May also have 1/2 of an English muffin. I realized that the weight for the mushrooms was way too high yesterday. It said over 8 ounces and I should have figured it was wrong. Today a similar amount weighed about 4 ounces. It's a relatively new, small digital scale. I set a small plate on the scale and set it to zero before putting food on it. I think the chicken weight may be off too. I miss my old scale with a basket on top and a dial to show the weight. So far, I am sticking to plan although not so good with IF. I stopped eating around 1pm yesterday but gave in and had 1/2 English muffin around 6pm. So carb grams and protein grams were nearly identical. The little snack size packs of nuts I got from Costco are working out great. They may cost a little more than buying a big jar of nuts but I won't over eat the little packs.

The house was still hot last night but I stayed in the guest room until after dark. On the floor with lots of pillows, etc. The thermometer in that room always shows around 72 to 74 degrees while the family room and master bedroom get to 81 at the hottest part of the day, 6-7pm. The living room is comfortable too. All this with thermostat set at 78. I know it's the skylights

Update: I called the junk removal company that has been here 3 or 4 times before. That's how I got rid of most of my furniture. They will come by tomorrow sometime and move the bed from the master bedroom to the much cooler guest room for no charge. I'll tip them though. And least I'll be comfortable even during the hottest days. That room is about 72 right now while the master bedroom is 78

12 Juli 2024

I'm still trying to figure my air fryer out. It is really small. I cooked chicken breast in it yesterday. The directions said to cook at 360 degrees for 15-20 minutes. I cooked it for 15 minutes and it looked perfect. I put it in the Asian chicken salad I prepared and the chicken was really chewy. I googled what chewy chicken meant and it said it was over cooked. I've never cooked chicken that got chewy. I'll try again today at 12 minutes and be careful of the temperature. There is a dial that has 350 and 400 and maybe I set it hotter than 360. This morning I cooked some mushrooms and onions in the air fryer to add to scrambled eggs. The directions said 15-20 minutes and I cooked for 12 minutes and they were fine. I'm trying to keep my protein grams higher than carbs as often as I can. I should be able to do it today. With what I plan to eat I am around 1000 calories. It's difficult to go much higher doing IF. I stop eating anywhere from noon until 2pm. I get up really early. I am enjoying the little snack packs of nuts I got from Costco. I don't have them in my eating plan today but if I get hungry later on I may add them although that would put my calories around 1300. I do best losing weight between 1000-1200 calories. I can maintain around 1500 and would definitely be gaining at 2000. I hope no one tells me I need more calories. I know myself exactly what works for me. I love doing IF and not eating after 2 or 3pm. I like going to bed on an empty stomach but am usually starving in the morning.

It is supposed to set a heat record where I live today at 108 or 109. So tired of this heat wave. I had my air conditioned serviced about a week before the heat wave and was told everything was okay. Then I noticed on the hot, hot days the termostat would show 79, 80, 81 even when set for 76 or 78. I was going to call the a/c service company but decided to order 3 little indoor thermometers first to verify that the temperature is correct. My bedroom seems to be the hottest room in the house. The little thermometers verified the thermostat was correct and that the temperature in the family room and my bedroom was 81 or 82. The guest bedroom which always seems so comfortable was showing around 74. Unfortunately I don't have any furniture in there after getting rid of the bed in there anticipating moving soon. Late yesterday afternoon I put a mattress pad, comforter and several blankets on the floor in the guest room. I used the wedge pillow I got for my knee to prop my shoulders up and had many, many bed pillows to lay on and I stayed in there until after dark when the a/c was able to cool down the master bedroom enough. The guest room is still more comfortable. I am probably going to get some help and move the bed from the master bedroom to the guest room. I planned on buying a new bed for the new house but I may get it now. I have 2 skylights in the kitchen/family room area and the thermostat is in the family room. I also have a skylight between the master bedroom and bath. I think the skylights are part of the problem for the hot, hot house. And a huge oak tree that I had cut down provided so much shade for the master bedroom. I had blinds in the skylights except for the one in the bedroom. I had them removed before putting the house up for sale because the remote controll wasn't working and real estate agents like light and bright houses. But I have to live here for awhile longer. I have a window covering company coming out next week to help me figure out what I can do on the sliding glass door in the master bedroom to bring the temperature down. I may also consider getting black out blinds for all the skylights. No remote control this time!

At least I don't want to eat too much when it is so hot outside.

10 Juli 2024

Yesterday at Costco I was looking in the area where they have all kinds of nuts. I bought sliced almonds to put in yogurt and in salads. Then I bought a box of snack size packets of roasted, salted nuts - peanuts, almonds, and cashews. They 250 to 270 calories and 8 to 11 protein grams. Usually I snack on raw almonds or walnuts but these will be a treat and I think I can stick to one packet a day.

Today I have to go to the grocery store for brussels sprouts to try cooking in the new air fryer. Also want a bag of salad mix and maybe a couple tomatoes and avocados. My real estate agent's assistant is coming by to get some peaches from my tree. They are small 1/3 the size of a regular peach. But they are delicious. The deer have been eating dozens of them but there are still plenty. I've decided against making a peach cobbler this year.

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