lampish's Notizen

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28 November 2015

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
75,5 kg 2,0 kg 12,0 kg Recht gut
   Kommentar hinzufügen Verlust von 6,4 kg pro Woche

27 November 2015

27 November 2015

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
76,4 kg 1,1 kg 12,9 kg Recht gut
   Kommentar hinzufügen Zunahme von 1,6 kg pro Woche

26 November 2015

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
76,2 kg 1,4 kg 12,7 kg 100%
   Kommentar hinzufügen Verlust von 9,5 kg pro Woche

25 November 2015

I had a few kids over the other day. For an activity, I weighed and measured each kids' height and then recorded it on a graph showing age as well.

When they weren't looking, I weighed myself. I was 175lbs. The only time I've ever weighed that much is when I was pregnant (very pregnant). The feeling of failure and depression when I saw that number was palpable.

I wallowed for a few days and then decided enough. I've started an Atkins-like plan (severely reducing carbs/sugar) and as of this morning weigh 171lbs. My ultimate goal is 140lbs. My interim goal is 163lbs by Christmas. My second interim goal is 150lbs by March 4 -- that is the date we leave for a trip south where bathing suits will be required.

While weight loss and personal image is important to me, I am hopeful that dropping this weight will drive some energy back into my life. I am incredibly lazy as of late. Sitting, lying down the vast majority of my day.

To that end I will endeavour to add exercise of some kind daily. 20 minutes of something has got to be better than 24 hours of nothing.

Here we go...............

lampish's Gewichtsverlauf

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