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17 April 2017

I didn't log my food yesterday....It was ugly. Actually I haven't been very happy about my consumption the last three days. I suspect it is gonna take a good three days to level back out. I weighed myself Friday at the doc's office and was down a few more pounds. But, I didn't bother with weighing in this morning as I know the damage is done. I consumed way too much sugar this weekend. And, yesterday I ate with reckless abandon. So, I need to put in the work over the next three days to get back to where I was Friday morning. Skipped breakfast and will probably just have a sweet potato for lunch today and dinner will be a veggie burrito. Going to keep the calories low today.

Approximately two weeks until my next half marathon. I don't feel as ready as I should be. I'm definitely not shooting for a PR. Yet, at the same time I'm being heckled by friends into signing up for an IM. I promised 2018. I haven't even done a 70.3 yet. Maybe if I sign up for a HIM in spring 2018 I could be ready for a full in Fall 2018?? Not having access to an indoor swimming pool doesn't help. But, I've been debating joining the gym 45 min away just so I could go on weekends to swim laps. I love my new bike by the way. I still need to purchase a trainer so I can ride more. All of this will be on hold though until I return from vacation. Vacation begins in 16 days and I desperately am looking forward to it....so much so that it is difficult to concentrate on anything at work.

14 April 2017

Perplexing results from the doctor today. Not exactly how I expected 40 days of no red meat.

So here is the side by side comparison on my lipid panels:

****** Feb. 25, 2017 / April 14, 2017
Total Chol 175 / 170
Trig 93 / 176
dHDL 38 / 21
LDL 119 / 113

That's right. What the what?!?! How in the world have my triglycerides went up so high and my HDL drop so low? Overall, everything is within normal limits with exception to the HDL. I exercise 5-7 times a week for a minimum of 45 min. While my overall cholesterol and LDL have lowered, I really thought removing red meat would show a larger drop. Maybe I haven't given it enough time?

Other significant numbers looked pretty good:

Blood Sugar 92
Blood Pressure 118/78

Doc was fine with all my results. I think I'm just a little surprised not to see a bigger drop overall. And, definitely concerned about the Triglycerides jumping up so much. It makes me wonder if the first test was accurate since I've definitely lost weight, increased exercise and been more aware of my consumption??? I think I will stay the course for a little while to see if maybe I just need a little more time to reap the benefits. One thing I notice that I have done since mostly removing dairy is I've used a lot of coconut milk as a replacement. I may try to scale that back some. I've struggled with increasing that HDL for years now. I eat almonds. I exercise. I'm not real sure how much more I can do to boost that number. I did read that when you are eating a plant-based, whole food diet, HDL isn't that big of an issue as HDL is kind of like the dump truck that gets rid of the bad junk and if you aren't eating bad junk it isn't as necessary. I'm no expert. Just trying to improve myself and gain a little knowledge along the way. The 5-6 point drop doesn't seem real significant though. I think I will get another lipid panel in a few months to see if there is any better progress before I change up my diet too much though.

In any event, Happy Easter FS Buddies!


13 April 2017

13 April 2017

12 April 2017

It's ridiculous how delicious fresh watermelon tastes. I'm taking your all's advice and not bothering with breakfast until I am actually hungry. So for my "brunch" I'm eating watermelon, cantaloupe and a banana. Who knows when I will eat again today. Work tends to run super late on Wednesdays. I may just chalk up today as an IF day if I am not out of work until 8pm. It's a little tough to plan dinners on nights when I have no clue how long I will be working. Usually my husband will grab himself a pizza. I think he likes sometimes when I work late so I won't have to subject him to "twigs and berries." Apparently what I fix for dinner has become quite the topic at his workplace. He won't admit it, but I think he secretly likes it. It adds a whole new level of creativity when you aren't using meat, dairy or eggs. Plus he has dropped close to ten pounds by having to do nothing but show up for the dinners I fix. I still haven't achieved 100% vegan, but it is likely close to 85-90% of my meals now and 40-45% of his meals. My mom babysits my 19 month old. She can't wait to tell me how my baby scarfs down chicken "like he's starving to death" and tell me how the baby needs more protein. Leave it to Grandmas to feed your children to death. I had set a firm rule that he wasn't to have cookies more than once a week as it should be a treat. Then when I picked the little one up, she told me that he had animal crackers and actually tried to argue with me that they were "crackers" and not a cookie as they would be called Animal Cookies otherwise. And this is why I'm fat. Joking, of course. But, having lived the first 18 years of my life with a woman who has never been on a diet and has zero concern for nutrition, I'm sure it played some role in my chunky development.

I think I've almost recovered from the respiratory infection I had been struggling with. I limited myself to 30 min on the elliptical anyway this morning until I am certain that I'm 100%. I am kind of hopeful I can get out of work early enough to go home to knock out a short 5K run. I am planning to get another lipid panel on Friday so I can compare the results of eliminating red meat from my diet. I'm really curious to see the effect, if any.

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