Triangle-Woman's Notizen

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08 August 2021

Had some friends over to help say goodbye to a good neighbor who is moving soon. Fresh homemade bread, cheese, figs, olives and really good wine from a little vineyard in Sonoma called Loxton Vineyards.

Everything was delicious.

We visited Loxton Vineyards on a wine tour back in the day when traveling was still a thing and we continue to patronize them because the wine is great and we just loved Chris Loxton.

He has a PhD in physics so he and my husband's innate geekiness and love of fine wines just meshed beautifully.

I remember how I used to calorie restrict and exercise like a maniac for weeks before vacations, usually to little effect, but then during a vacation despite much indulgence of rich foods, wine and desserts, at the end of the week, I would come home and find out I lost a couple of pounds.

I used to attribute it to more activity and less stress, but thinking back, I would have much shorter eating windows!

I would usually skip breakfast because the dinner the night before was so indulgent, have a light lunch and then a rich dinner. Was probably doing a 16:8

My body was telling me what it wanted. Screaming it. But I was deaf to its pleas.

But I'm listening to it's gentle nudges now...


07 August 2021

"Life has no remote. Get up and change it yourself."

I love this quote and I hate this quote. When I was in the throws of a pity party, I used to look at it with a skeptical eye in the context of "But I can't do it myself!! I've tried! I need help!"

I need motivation!

I need advice!

I need a trainer!

I need an exercise tape.

I need a magic food!

I need a better food tracker!


When tracking calories meant looking things up in a book (yes, I'm that old) I wished for a program to help (apps did not exist back then you whipper snappers.)

Back when the dinosaurs ruled the earth, you either wrote the program yourself and saved it on a floppy disk or eventually we got programs we could use on the amazing "new" Compact Disc's!

Then the internet. I still remember the joy at finding Spark People in 2010 and their data base of foods and information and community. Yes!! THAT IS WHAT I NEEDED!!

(As an aside, I still miss giving out "Spark Goodies" to friends in need....)

But still...the weight went up and the weight went down. Over decades, the ups got more up and the downs got less down.

But I never gave up.

I was always open to the next diet book, the next zumba class, the next research paper, the next anything that worked for anyone because maybe, just maybe it would work for me. I prayed. I berated myself. I made bargains with myself. I signed up for boot camps. I signed up for 5Ks. I ate less until my body rebelled. I spent much of my life waiting for the "right" number to show up on the scale.

Yes, true, "Life has no remote. Get up and change it yourself."

But it does not mean that someone can't hand you the remote in the form of a book, a blog, a website, an inspirational picture, a meme, a quote, a podcast, a seminar or a good old fashioned heart to heart conversation in "real life."

Keep mashing the buttons, keep changing the channel and don't forget to replace the GD batteries every once in a while.

06 August 2021

04 August 2021

I'll be helping my folks clean and prep the bounty of the season today, and tomorrow and the next day and the next day....

We have already cleaned and frozen about a metric ton of green beans and swiss chard, have made dozens of jars of pickled squash and cukes as well as zucchini bread, ratatouille, batter fried zucchini blossoms etc. etc.

Today I'm going to make and freeze a vat-o-veggie soup in mason jars.

Yes, you can freeze mason jars!

I hate canning and when the tomatoes come in I will have enough of that.
Sometimes I use plastic zip locks to freeze soup too.

My folks are immigrants. My Dad fled communist Yugoslavia when he was 18, my Italian Mom was brought here as a 7 year old child and they met at a dance at the German Club.

My Dad, pictured below in his lush green manicured kingdom, is a force of nature. He ran away from home twice trying to escape his native country and was caught and jailed twice. Third time was the charm (luckily for me!)

When my kids do crazy things and he starts to lecture me, I give him a jaundiced look and ask him, "How long was it before YOUR mom knew if you were alive or dead after you were granted asylum?

At that point, he realizes that their spunk, stubbornness, willfulness, and determination were honestly acquired.

Full of beans, but no shrinking violets in his garden.

Have a great day and even if you don't grow your own beans, tomatoes, cukes and zukes be sure to visit a farmer's markets and support your local growers!!

03 August 2021

I use the app Evernote to record my journals, my gratitude, my tasks, my accomplishments, poems, quotes, beautiful words and phrases that light up my brain and information that I just find darned interesting.

I have Evernote-books with such varied titles as, "Places to Retire To", "Vermicomposting", "Yoga Nidra", "Microbiome", "Character Studies", "Books to Read" and several unpublished novels (most of which have obese characters since I relate to them so well) that I play around with usually in November when NaNoWriMo rolls back around.

As Spark People draws to a close, I created a notebook called, "Spark Blogs" and I have spent time copying and pasting my many Spark Blogs into my Evernote app. As I copy and paste each blog along with comments, I delete it on Spark.

It was enlightening and sometimes painful to travel back almost a decade and see the struggle, the elation, the heartbreak and sheer god damned amount of work I put into losing weight. The tracking, the measuring, the weighing of food and myself, the exercise, the 5Ks (which I hated to run), the self recrimination, the cheering on of other victors and the defeat over and over and over and over again.

And then there were the gaps.

The gaps in time when I just gave up on community as a solution to weight loss and just went on my merry way until I could not stand it any more and had to jump back in with renewed hope and vigor.

Obese people are seen as slothful, lazy and somehow possessing a character flaw that skinny people don't have.

But is there any harder working person than one who fails over and over and over again but still keeps trying? Still keeps looking for solutions? Still keeps hoping?

But I'm here to say I'm glad I did not give up. I'm glad that I opened myself to yet another possible solution and that miraculously, this solution seems to fit me to a T.

Take breaks if you need to, but don't give up. You never know what might be waiting around the corner.

And record your journey.

Markings endure longer than memory.

Triangle-Woman's Gewichtsverlauf

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