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04 Oktober 2008

Going to the MILs for dinner this evening. This is never a fun outting. She only ever makes me a vegetable curry. Its not really a curry in the traditional sense, which is good because I don't like curry. I do, however, like hers. The problem is that its made with boatloads of butter. So its not really that great for you. You would think veggies and lentils in a tomato and onion and garlic based sauce wouldnt be too bad. And when I make it at home, its not. But OMG. She makes it with so much butter. And theres TONS of it even though I'm the only vegetarian and no one else eats it! And then theres the rice. She always makes like 6 servings of rice. There's only 2 of us! I try to tell her but she does it anyway.

And the clincher is that she has emoitional issues (well, lots of problems, really - physical and mental) so if you tell you her don't want something she gets so upset and thinks she's done something wrong. And then theres an atmosphere and tension and its just. I hate it.

So here's my plan. I'm going to take a tupperware bowl with me. And I'm going dish out a normal serving for myself and then "take the rest home". When I get home, sadly, I will throw it out. Because OH MAN - its so bad for you. But so tasty. But at least then I dont over-eat and she doesnt get her feelings hurt.

Oy, the things we're forced to do, eh? LOL

03 Oktober 2008

I start a new job on Monday. I'm also waiting to hear on a start date for an even better job. Mal has just changed over his medication and we're watching him carefully all the while warding off any potential flare-ups. For those that don't know, my husband has an auto-immune disease called Polymyositis which basically means that the bits in your blood which heal you have decided that his muscles are foreign and bad and they attack them. It weakens him tremendously when it's active. But its currently not. Yay. Its kept controlled with medication. So the fact that he's changing said medication makes me - makes us both - incredibly wary. I've also been trying to think of ways to earn a bit of extra money in my spare time which would be put into the "moving back to the States" fund. And then theres all the research that goes with the actual move as well.

All of these things would have, at one time, stressed me out to beyond coping and I would have cupboards packed full of crisps and chocolate and biscuits and just FOOD. Very unhealthy, bad food.

And I realised that I dont need to do that. Its difficult sometimes. At times I just reach out and pick something up and its only just before it reaches my mouth that I catch myself and talk myself out of it. But the point is...I DO catch myself. And I CAN talk myself out of it. And that is happening less and less. And that, in itself, is a big difference for me.

01 Oktober 2008

I weighed myself today. Just because I was a bit narked at the fact that I hadnt lost anything. Or rather. That I know I must have but its being hidden by PMS weight and junk. I'm not going to post it because it doesnt matter. But it was down a little and it made me happy and able to go on with life until next week. Good Lord, obsessed much? LOL.

I have energy. More than I have in a long time. I havent taken a nap through the day in over a week. Thats mega for me. It had become an everyday thing that I would sleep through the day. I dont feel the need to do that anymore.

So today is our 4th wedding anniversary. We dont have any plans or anything at all. We exchanged cards this morning before mal went off to work. And thats all I really wanted. We're trying to save money anyway and I cant be bothered going out to eat when I can have something that I've prepared myself. That way I know what's in it! 2 weeks ago, I would have never thought that way. Its funny how things can change.

Have a lovely day everyone.

30 September 2008

I weighed myself today. I was so busy yesterday that I didnt have time to weigh and then post. So I decided to change weigh in to today instead.

The results arent amazing but they arent so bad, really.

First off let me start with a bit of semi-TMI. My period is due on Thurs/Friday. My periods are REALLLLY bad. That is why I am on birth control. The week or so leading up to my period I get incredibly despressed. I get to where ANYTHING will make me cry. And I retain water like a camel. I also generally eat copious amounts of chocolate and greasy things and ......hell anything I want. I ALWAYS have a weight gain during the week leading up to my period. Always. Even when I was doing Scottish Slimmers (Its like WW, sorta). I would have a great couple of weeks and then BAM! Even if i stuck my eating plan and didnt cheat, the weigh in before my period was always at least +5lbs. And thats not considering what it would have been had I been eating badly.

Well. I am pleased to report that its the weigh in before my period and......


I have stayed EXACTLY the same!

Where I have been following my eating plan well and exercising every evening (except last night), and therefore would have liked to see a loss of SOME kind...I am actually pretty thrilled about staying the same. Also, I dont feel bloated and sick. I dont feel bad at all. I didnt even get my standard PMS breakout. Not one! In fact, I have boat loads more energy than I have in a long time and I just feel good. So had this been any other week, maybe a bit sad. But because its the week before my period, hey. I'll take it. At least I didnt gain.
Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
124,9 kg 1,2 kg 43,3 kg Recht gut
   (3 Kommentare) konstantes Gewicht

26 September 2008

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