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13 September 2008

So far I have stopped drinking beer (although I only drank 3 at night - if that many) and cokes. The carbination makes my belly big and I alawys feel bloated. I have also started eating at home and not at the fast food places. This has a lot to do with the fact that I just don't have the money to eat out all of the time.

I tend to cook on the healthier side, not because of any diet (my family is NOT on a diet)but because the food taste better. I like olive oil instead of veg. oil or grease to cook with. I also like sea salt better than the regular sold salt. I have two diff kinds of salt that I use. One with iodide to add to my cooking (the body needs a bit of iodide to stay healthy) and one without iodide to add before actually eating. My daughter (18 years old) doesn't like salt at all so I keep it down during cooking. Master and I love salt on anything that will sit still so we add before each meal.

I also add sauted garlic to every dish I can squeeze it into. Why? We have bad allergies and garlic is great to help the body fight off germs. I also give it to Christian when I prepare his meals. (Christian is my mini-dachshund who does NOT eat dog food) Garlic keeps his coat shiny and keeps the fleas away when he goes outside with me. Boy, the kids can really tell when I run out of garlic, their eyes get puffy and purple and they act cranky. (allergic to dust, mold, animal dander, pollen and a few food)

Well, I live in the path of hurrican Ike and it will be hitting here in another couple of hours. I really need to go outside and make sure everything is put away (so it doesn't get blown to Timbuck-Two) and feed our outside dogs so they won't be hungry during the storm. The storm is going to last all day, night and most of tomorrow and that is a long time without food. Once it hits my dogs will NOT come out from under the house, not even for food.

I wish everyone who reads this a nice and safe weekend.


13 September 2008

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
69,4 kg 0,5 kg 8,2 kg Schlecht
   Kommentar hinzufügen Verlust von 0,3 kg pro Woche

05 September 2008

Diet Pills - What to do -
This is just some information that I copied for my own information. I will loose the link since my computer is on the blink. It is not intended to preach to others or put anyone down. It is just for me alone....,

Ephedra: Avoid At All Cost -
Even though the FDA banned ephedra, this stimulant has been showing up online. Studies have shown that ephedra can aid weight loss, but the side effects, which include high blood pressure, heart rate irregularities, heart attacks, and stroke, can be deadly.

Chromium, which occurs naturally in the body, helps regulate blood sugar and utilize carbohydrate, and although few studies have shown any correlation between chromium supplements and fat loss, chromium may still aid weight loss. That's because chromium helps keep insulin levels down. High levels of insulin, after all, make fat burning almost impossible. Although chromium may not cause weight loss, by lowering insulin, it may remove an obstacle to taking off weight.

How to Take It: Try taking 1,000 mcg of chromium picolinate or chromium nicotinate daily.

Guarana: Skip It -
In supplement form, guarana is a concentrated source of caffeine that's supposed to increase your metabolism. However, while it might help you drop pounds temporarily, it doesn't provide lasting weight loss and could raise blood pressure and heart rate.

Green Tea Extract: Try It -
Green tea contains a compound called EGCG that may stimulate metabolism. Several studies, in fact, have linked green tea extract to a reduction in body fat and increase in thermogenesis, or the rate at which calories are burned.

How To Take It: Pop 270 mg per day or drink three cups of green tea a day.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid: Try It -
Commonly called CLA, this amino acid exists in animal foods like beef and dairy products. It plays a role in the health of your muscles and tissues and may help you lose abdominal fat.

How To Take It: Have 3.4 grams daily.

Yerba Mate: Skip It -
Yerba mate is a concentrated plant source of caffeine that's supposed to boost metabolism. Although you might see a temporary drop in weight, changes aren't long-lasting. Plus, as with all stimulants, side effects include increased heart rate and high blood pressure.

Chitosan: Skip It -
This bulking agent comes from the bones and shells of shellfish, and manufacturers claim it suppresses appetite and blocks fat absorption. Yet no studies show any weight loss benefits.

Pyruvate: Skip It -
Pyruvate, which exists in foods like red wine, apples and cheese, promises to make you lean and help you shed body fat. The bad news? No study has shown that consuming pyruvate in supplement form will have this effect on your body.

Hoodia: Skip It -
Hoodia is a native African cactus that's believed to suppress appetite. However, there's no research to show benefits. Besides, by the time you get this in supplement form, it may not contain much of the plant, and it's the fiber from the plant that probably helps people fill up.

Bitter Orange: Skip It -
Touted as a substitute to ephedra, bitter orange is a stimulant that supposedly boosts metabolism and helps you burn calories. However, no research has proven these claims. As a stimulant, it can also raise blood pressure and heart rate, which could be harmful.

04 September 2008

Well, for the life of me I am having issues moving around in this site. Not to worry, it took me a few days to move around in myspace without getting lost. LOL

Strange that my cal. numbers are over 1300 for yesterday and I weigh over 150 lbs. I do good to eat one full meal a day and if I snack on anything my kids tease me. (I don't really like candy, cakes, pies and things like that) I prefer to eat meat and snack on things like fresh lemons (can only eat two at one time). It must be my age and stress that is causing me to look like a pear with legs. I am 41 years old. Ho-hum, can't change my age and don't want to so no need to ponder on it. (smiles)

Master is wanting to shower with me and all I can think of is formatting my hard drive for the ump-teenth time. My hard drive is corupped and it is driving me crazy. I have installed the recovery disk and formatted back to the original factory setting but my D: drive is still over loaded with heaven knows what. I am a computer nerd, not a rocket scientist that can understand the alien language of DOS. Gees, it all looks like a bad nightmare from the Matrix. ROTFL

My solution is to call HP, again, and have them tell me what to do. This only means sitting here for 4 to 5 hours with a phone to me ear, trying to read the matrix. Gees, I have been dealing with HP, recovery disk, supplementary recovery disk, hard drives and the DOS system for more than a week and I'm ready to kick the computers hard drive out of Vista and back to the land of 95.

This is a big deal to me because I am a teacher and all of my grade books, worksheets, test, manuals, ect, all run within the Microsoft Office 2007. And my Office crashed...Yes, all files are on CD's but I can't access them without Office programmed into my computer. UGH!!!

Anyway, I'm off to hug and kiss on Christian (my dachshund) because he always puts me in a great mood. Then I will be ready to call the evil HP and hopefully deal without loosing my mind. (smiles)


03 September 2008

I am not sure why I am even joined this site. Maybe to kick start my mind into trying AGAIN to get back the body I once had in high school? No, in high school I was called terrible names, like 'toothpick', 'twiggy', and my favorit, 'skeletor'. I never want to cry myself asleep again because of the cruelty of others.

I really could care less about loosing weight. I admit to being a bit (about 20 pounds) on the heavy site but controling the weight is not a issue with me. I am 5 foot 10 inches tall so I can carry a bit of weight and not really turn an eye when I am rarely seen in public.

It's the shape of my body that has me turning away from the mirrors and wanting to hide in the dark when my husband wishes to be intimate with me. Although Master (my husband) always wants to be intimate, so my brain is telling me that he must still find me attractive but the mirror tells me that he must be crazy or really hard-up to want me. Gees, if I were a man there is no way that I would ever want to have sex with someone that looked like me.

I have a really big belly (looking about 6 to 7 months pregnant) with tiny little arms and legs. A lot of my problem is stress. I also have high blood pressure so high that my dentist refuses to fill a cavity. I could write a list of problems that are causing the stress that is longer than the constitution of the US. (not kidding) I do not care to discuss my problems with anyone because it is not going to make the problems go away AND no one wants to be friends with someone that talks about their problems. Besides, if I wanted attention for my problems I would go to my-space.

Today I will record what I eat and drink, my activities, ect., and see what is going on. Maybe keeping a journal site (meaning keeping up with this site) of my bad behavior will help me to feel better, look better and be a bit happier. Who knows? Couldn't hurt to try.


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