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31 Mai 2017

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
89,0 kg 4,4 kg 6,4 kg Recht gut
   (2 Kommentare) Verlust von 7,6 kg pro Woche

29 Mai 2017

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
91,2 kg 2,3 kg 8,6 kg Recht gut
   Kommentar hinzufügen Zunahme von 0,7 kg pro Woche

22 Mai 2017

I was surprised by my weight this week. It’s been raining, so I haven’t been walking. It’ll also “shark week” so I’ve been bloated, laying around, and not eating the best foods. I was expecting to be above my starting weight. I don’t think I’ve really gone overboard with the unhealthy stuff, but I know I didn’t stay within my allotted calories either. Hopefully this week I can get back on track.
The agency received some of my medical records and have gone over them, and the rest should have arrived late last week. I haven’t heard from them yet, so I’m hoping I “passed” that step. I really hope to hear from them sometime this week. The next thing I’m worried about passing is the psychological evaluation. Both my husband and I have to do it. I know we’re not any more crazy than the average person, but it is the step where a lot of potential surrogates get rejected. If my medical records did indeed pass the test, I’m going to ask that the psych eval be done next if possible. I’d hate to be matched with intended parents and then fail that part. Too much disappointment at that point.
Also, my weight fluctuates so much from day to day, that I think I really need to aim for losing at least 35 pounds. That way if my official weigh in by the agency is in the middle of the day, after flying and eating at the airport and such, I’ll still hopefully be within the necessary BMI range.

21 Mai 2017

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
90,4 kg 3,1 kg 7,8 kg Recht gut
   Kommentar hinzufügen Verlust von 1,5 kg pro Woche

15 Mai 2017

So week one is in the books. I’m excited at my progress, it’s encouraging. I’m also learning a lot about my body, stuff I’ve heard over and over, but I’m now actually experiencing it. The main thing being to give myself 20 min after a meal to feel full. The first few days were frustrating, as I’d eat a small and healthy lunch and still feel hungry when it was gone. But I didn’t cave and, what do you know, I felt pretty satisfied after about 20 min. And now I’m trying to slow down my eating so that I don’t feel that frustration in the first place.
I’m trying to up my water intake as well. I do a pretty good job when I’m at both my jobs, but once I get home it’s usually the last thing on my mind. I’ve also started walking again. Usually at night once I’m home from job #2 or once the kids are in bed.
I’ve run into a disappointing problem though. When I’m on my walks I’ll see my reflection in the storefront windows and I look massive. Much bigger than the me I see in the mirror at home. I could blame it on the glass distorting my image, but I don’t think so. I think that’s really what I look like and I don’t like it.

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