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05 Oktober 2010

Getting my journal in at the eleventh hour! Nothing too exciting happened today, got my workout done early and my first week of P90X is done! Today I had what they call Kenpo which is some kind of boxing/karate nonsense which I didn't care for AT ALL. I am not one for Kickboxing, Tae Bo and that stuff, I'm surprised I like Turbo Jam and the like, but I think the dancey parts help negate the whole punch/kick thing. I only did half of the Kenpo workout before I switched to the new Insanity Fast + Furious. Apparently, Kenpo is just an extra cardio workout so I'm going to be swapping it out with Turbo Fire 55 or an Insanity Plyo workout; As much as I would like to stick the plan I'd rather not set myself up for failure by trying to do something I don't like. Besides, that 20min Insanity workout is a beast, it had my whole body tingling in the first 5 minutes so I'm sure it was still more effective than that crap I was doing.

Tomorrow is my rest day which is great. I'm looking forward to it as well as getting some food shopping done. I've been craving fish lately, yum.

My pretty Dinner last night: Steamed Tilapia + Spinach (Made in 10mins!)

So I tried on this dress for my friends wedding. I've had it in my closet for a while, I was supposed to wear it to a wedding last year, but I ended up not going last minute. It's a little snug on the hips (damn carbs,
lol) but it's not until seven weeks from now so it'll look even better soon. As much as I want dramatic results with P90X, I wonder if I'd have to have it taken in...HmM thk god i live above the cleaners...

04 Oktober 2010

Yesterday was a mental struggle for me to get my workout in. I couldn't get excited about Yoga, I'm too anxious for slow workouts like that, lol, and clocking it at 90mins doesn't make me want to even bother. Part of me tried to skip it and say I'll do it tomorrow so I can have Sunday as a rest day (Since I started day one on Thursday. Then I remembered that little line of thinking gets me into trouble more often than not, so around 2am I decided to get it done. I completed the entire workout, and at a few times I wanted to just stop, but I didn't! I'm so proud of myself :). Four days in the books and I'm actually looking forward to my workout for today. I have Legs and Back and I'm dying to get a nice back with this workout. I'm more than half way done with my first week!

I'm not sure if it was b/c I was having more sugar than I should've this week, but I had a few down days, so I think this week I'm going to add some fish into my diet for the brain healthy vitamins. Excited to start this week committed to my diet and fitness.

Thanks to my family on Facebook I woke up to this heinous fat picture of me from 2002, ugh! Definitely helps keep me motivated and puts things in perspective of how far I've come!!

02 Oktober 2010

Today has been such a long day, hence the late journal and lack of one yesterday. I was up late yesterday making sure I had all my ducks in a row for today, and thank god I was smart enough to get up super early this morning to get my workout in (p90x day#3 woot!) b/c I was absolutely wiped when I came back from the beachbody event this morning. Per usual, it was great to meet fellow coaches and get more training. It's kind of like if fatsecret had a training, just to be in the room w. people who all are doing the same thing and believe in the same things as you is incredible. I've never been part of something that I feel is so important. Not only am I helping people help themselves, but I'm creating a business and an income and learning lots of things about myself. I always thought I was going to be a lawyer and have success that way, but I love that with this business I don't have to fit into someone elses mold and follow someone else predetermined track to success. Here, I'm encouraged to celebrate my own uniquness and help people that are in similar situations.

I did really good for the earlier portion of the day. I had my Shakeology for breakfast, apple for snack, and some chicken salad on the car ride home. I didn't have time for lunch since I was running around with one of my coaches I brought to the event. I had the worse migraine when I got home and ended up falling asleep for like 3hrs. Then I woke up and had pizza, but I still have time for another workout if I'm so inclined. I walked the dog too so hopefully in the grand scheme of things it won't be too damaging.

All in all, I'm finding this go around with P90X a little better. I worked out @ 5am so I couldn't really play music like I usually do, but it was a Shoulders and Arm workout so it wasn't like that was needed. I have to check what I have tomorrow, part of me thinks its Yoga which is super long, but it'd be nice to do something a little slower pace. I'm actually going to Dallas for a Leadership Conference where we'll be doing a live workout with Tony Horton which should be fun. I know there's another workout that weekend, and part of me is praying its not with Shaun T, lol. I love him to pieces, but I like being in control of the pain and being able to press pause, lol.

I hope everyones' have a great weekend!

30 September 2010

Before I could change my mind or talk myself out of it, I opted to start P90X again today. It wasn't as bad as I had imagined, I remember not liking the music, so this time I turned off the music option, but on the captions and only allowed for the cueing. All went well with the warmup, but in typical me fashion (I'm accident prone) I went to do a pull up exercise with my resistance band (sans door attachment) and theresistance band came down hard knocking me in the face--no bueno. Thank god I'm dark skinned or else I'd have some seriously ridiculous looking under eye bruises! I managed to make it through the workout and I had pretty good numbers! It was Chest and back so tons of alternating pushup then back exercises. I have another ab workout, but I'm going to save that for after Jersey Shore, lol. I forgot to thaw my chicken breasts so I've been subsisting on shakeology and water for the better part of the day. Good stuff in no cheats, yay!

29 September 2010

At the risk of TMI, it's that TOM of the month and I've been craving salt like a madwoman. I ate off plan for the past two days, but I burned off some of it with a nice Turbo Fire workout. Does anyone know of any natural supplements that'll work on my attention span? Sometimes I'm hard on myself for not being able to stick to one thing for too long, I loveeeee my Brazil Butt Lift, but Chalene's workouts w. the fun music is definitely a mood lifter for me sometimes. I'll just give myself credit for being active and doing anything at all. I must say I'm very glad that over a year later fitness is still something that I stick to. Even on my worse days when I'm eating things that I know I shouldn't I'm still pretty consistent with doing something. That's a huge change of pace for how I was a few years back where I would work out the first week of Jan or two weeks before Spring Break, lol. I think this whole fitness thing is the easiest part of the 'lifestyle change' bc looking fit is awesome!

So it's almost October and we're in the last 1/4 of 2010. I was planning on doing Chalean Extreme, but since my friend hasn't returned it, and it may be more of a hassle trying to chase her down for it, I'm probably going to have to pick something else. I'm seriously toying with the idea of trying P90X again. I really need to see what the hype is about, and since it's like the #1 product it'd be smart for me to have experience with the program; and at this rate I can use some dramatic results. I have a thing for the Brazilian trainers, if I could afford a trainer I would throw some serious cash at Leandro/Brett since they're both in NY, lol. Plus, P90X is something I can get my brothers to do with me...HmMm...

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