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28 September 2010

25 September 2010

23 September 2010

why oh why must the healthier options be so much more expensive?!? I went to one of my favorite supermarkets w. my mom last night, we both love the place they literally have EVERYTHING. Unfortunately, even though it's not that expensive of a place overall all the things that I need/wanted/hard to find at normal places was super pricey. I spent like $60 and $20 on pasta and soda alone. I wanted to try this Zevia soda that has no sugar and is supposed to be good for you, but I didn't want to have to pay shipping or buy a 24-pack of something I've never tried before and they were like $1 per 12.oz can! My Shirataki noodles were like 50 cent more expensive there too, but its much cheaper than having to pay $8+ for shipping or travelling into the city which would be $12 Round Trip.

I got invited to a BBody weekend leadership conf in Dallas in October so thats even more incentive to stick to my plan, lol. It should be great for my business, I think we're even going to be having a VIP dinner with the CEO who just came back from meeting President Obama, so cool! I'm really excited about taking this nutrition course as well, I've talked to tons of people and they all loved it, I just have to speak with the admissions person and find out how much the price was again.

21 September 2010

My mom called me tonight to thank me for a salad I made her and to tell me how amazing it is, so not only did cooking for the week on Sunday come in handy for myself, but for my mom as well. My mom works an overnight shift, and sleeps during the day so I know her diet is absolute crap; you're not going to get a healthy fresh cooked meal at the wee hours of the night, and knowing my mom's love of chocolate and soda I figured why not help her out. I think I might do cooking for the week twice a week, just to make sure the food is fresher and for more variety. I get bored very easily and I need variety.

So, I've been thinking of taking this nutrition course online. At first I thought since it was an online course it was some kind of scam, but the more I research the more I find reputable sources who confirm it's not some fly by night thing. It's a Holistic nutrition course so I think I'd learn a lot from it and I'm interested on learning the science behind nutrition anyways so I think I might have to seriously invest in it. I'm very cautious nowadays with education investments after spending a good amount of $$$ on an unmarketable degree so we'll see.

More than halfway done with Brazil Butt Lift, and I can't believe it's almost October! Time most definitely flies. I recently heard Michelle Obama is doing P90X which makes me want to give it another stab, but realistically that's not enough to motivate me, lol. A little off topic, but I've gotten amazing results using Latisse, I can't believe I've already been using it for 16 weeks. It makes me realize that it's all about consistency, whatever your goal is, if you do the small steps every day eventually you get where you want as long as you don't go astray. I relate it to my diet because if I just trusted the process and did it every day I would be where I want to be with my fitness the same way I am with my lashes. I know it may seem silly, but I hardly missed a day without my drops and I wasn't even 100% sure this thing works; I know for a fact a clean diet and exercise makes me super fit, I do it enough to know.

20 September 2010

I stayed up late last night and made my meals for the entire week, thank god it's all the same thing or I would've been there forever, lol. I'm so excited to have that out of way, and I don't have to worry about blowing my diet by having to overthink what I'm going to eat. I need to order more of my Shirataki noodles so they hopefully get here by the weekend, but I'm debating whether or not I should just wait until I'm in the city to get them. Everything is so expensive with shipping nowadays, but it's hard to find asian markets sometimes. Thankfully, there was one right by Grand Central when I went into the city last week, but I'm not 100% sure if I'll be in the area any time soon. I have a friend who's coming in town this week so maybe if I go into nyc to see her I could get them then.

For those who are wondering what Brazil Butt Lift is here's the video. It definitely doesn't do the entire program justice since it's an intense-total body program, but I'm loving it so far.

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If anyone's interested in joining me on my Road to Rio challenge it's not too late!!

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