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03 August 2010

wow I didn't realize it'd been so long since I wrote a journal entry, what have I been doing?!? lol. Still sticking to my workouts, my eating has been off/on lately. sometimes I'm good, sometimes I'm not, but I'm making sure I stick with it since my bday is in four weeks, yay! I can't believe it's August already. I did my 3rd fit test yesterday, and I'm pleasantly sore in some places. This is my recovery week before the last month of Insanity. I kind of have just been doing Insanity the past week or so, but I'm going to add back in some Fire workouts this week since next week the workouts will get a little longer and hella harder. I have to find my first two fit test results to compare, but so far I know I improved on most if not all the moves:

August 2nd (Fit Test #3)

Switch Kicks~ 52
Power Jacks~ 60
Power Knees~102
Power Jumps~ 40
Globe Jumps~12
Suicide Jumps~ 21
Pushup Jacks~37
Low Plank Obliques~72 (I could've done better, but my legs gave up on me, lol)

20 Juli 2010

has anyone else been having trouble with this site lately? Im not sure if its the time I come on, but everytime I try and click on something it doesn't work, so bizarre. I hate a short attn: span to so I kind of move on to somethin else instead of pressing reload incessantly. Im proud to say I've been doing Turbo Fire for a month and my exercises have been 100% consistent, yay for me. I'm on my 3rd week of Insanity too and feeling a lot tighter so I'm really stoked. I can't remember when I started seeing the results last time, plus I had been doing RevAbs prior, so I'm sure my sotmache muscles were already pretty solid although that's not the case this time. My eating is a little sketchy, I haven't been really consistent with that. My carbs aren't as low as I'd like them to be all the time, but I'm hoping the 2x days help rectify that.

It's that time of the month (sorry tmi), lol, and I really wanted chocolate, so I'm going to make this low-carb black bean brownie recipe. I'm really excited and I hope they come out good. I've heard good things about them, and I found a recipe that's South Beach Phase I approved!

15 Juli 2010

15 Juli 2010

sometimes I struggle to get one workout done on days and today I got in 4, yay for me, lol. One was after midnight so I'm not sure if that counts for yesterday or today. I'm very excited that I'm on my third week of consistent exercise which is funny b/c I'm a coach, but I don't care how long I've been doing it I hate working out. I have my second fit test in the morning, and I hope I'm not too sore b/c I definitely want to beat my numbers from last time. My eating has been a little erratic, I haven't been eating a lot, but I had some peanut M+m's today while I debated what to eat. I should know better by now, that I have to have food prepared b/c when I have to think that's when trouble sets in lol.

So I'm going to be 26 in 6 weeks, interesting interesting, lol. I would be excited, but most of my friends are going to be away and I may have a BBody event to go to that weekend as well, so I'm not sure what kind of plans I can/will be able to put together. A few of my friends who have August (Virgo) bdays are supposed to have a bday party in the Hamptons, but that's not until 9/11 (eek) and that's two weeks after the fact and I'd have to share with other people, haha. Anyways, I found a cute dress that I will buy b/c it's cute, affordable and it's my bday, I don't care if I end up wearing it to the diner, it will be worn (unless it looks like crap), lol.

11 Juli 2010

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