AuntieJan's Notizen

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27 August 2011

Really long, busy day yesterday - didn't get my food and exercise completely logged until this morning! I actually slept in this morning until 8:00, just couldn't do 6:00 or even 6:30 today. Sometimes we just have to listen to our bodies and mine told me it was tired.

Small wonder, I began my day with a 4.25 (approx. 6k) mile jog/walk over the bridge and back, it was really windy as Irene was heading north out of our area, a bit hard to run into but it kept the sweating to a minimum! It took me an hour and 15 minutes, with a couple of stops to snap pictures and check that my mapping app was working correctly - it work off of the GPS sattelite locator and tracks your route as you go then gives you a summary when you finish.

After that it was home to get a shower and do a bit of housework and make some phone calls to clients and friends, my next mural has been postponed for about a week or so but I have many things to do that will keep me busy next week.

I took my sister to do some bank errands and then we went shopping for furniture, looked at pre-owned as well as new, it doesn't seem like it would be much physical work but it gets tiring after a few hours of dealing with eager salespeople; I know they are just trying to make their living but I hate it when they try to sell you stuff you don't need. Anyway I ended up taking sis home and I went back out to look around on my own, I will take her back today to look at the pieces I think she would like. We have needed a new couch and a new recliner for a while now and everyone is starting their Labor Day sales.

Today is more cleaning and more laundry, I bought a whole turkey breast and I will be splitting it in half and cooking it on the grill tonight, along with some grilled asparagus, black beans and rice.

No walking, jogging, or gym today - I might take the dogs for a stroll later but it will be a casual walk.

Anyway, not a very exciting entry today but it is good to just have a bit of a rest. Tomorrow is another day, said Scarlett.


25 August 2011

Pretty sore this morning, legs needed a break so no cardio at all, just an hour of weights and ab work, including ab bench. I do NOT heart the ab bench. But, it works. :-)

Went to Nomad and cleaned bathrooms and vacuumed, etc., I was there for about three hours. As I was leaving we started to get some squally weather from the feeder bands of Hurricane Irene, the wind was blowing pretty good for a while but at the moment it is just breezy. Although I am relieved that it is passing us by on our eastern shore here in FL, I am worried for my friends in NC and the northeast as this big storm heads north.

I have been through many hurricanes and tropical storms living in Florida my whole life, but never experienced anything like we had in the years 2004-2005. We had glancing blows from really dangerous storms like Katrina and hits on every shore from others, but central Floridians were directly impacted by Charley, Frances and Jean in August and September of '04, then Wilma in '05 which was a terrifying cat 3 when it hit the SE coast, I went through all by myself at the boarding kennel, I bunkered up in a walk-in closet with Molly and stayed there for 5 hours. We had so many all over the place (I seem to recall that at one time there were 3 named storms heading toward us) that you lost count after a while. To say the least, we were all quite shell-shocked. Blue tarps over roofs became a very common site, and they stayed there for a while.

So we are praying that September is kind to us for that seems to be our worst month for these dreadful, yet awesome storms. I hope that anyone in Irene's path stays safe and you are in my prayers tonight.

Peace, and be well.

24 August 2011

Over the last 12 months or so, I have discovered some important things and learned a few lessons. Here are some of them for your perusal, commentary, and enjoyment.

It's not a question of if it will hurt, but where.

Sunrises are a wonderful thing to behold.

White granny pants suck.

Even a fat chick can kick ass in the gym.

It's wonderful to have good friends.

Sports bras are necessary.

Forgiveness is freedom.

I am not a vegan.

I fear no scale or any other piece of gym equipment.

Butterflies rock.

Nomad rocks.

God rocks.

I write really terrible poetry.

I'm a really good artist.

I probably think I'm more hilarious than others do.

Mean people suck.

Life is too short to drink crappy beer.

Continence is a good, good thing.

Love heals all, not time.

I will never forget the circumference of the earth at the equator.

I don't think Sven is ever coming back with my yacht.

I sure make up some really silly crap.

And, last, but not least, I have learned this journey is much easier when one is supported and cheered on by wonderful people such as all the buddies here at fs.

Here's to Living Out Loud!

Peace, and big butterfly hugs.

23 August 2011

"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it's yours.”
- Ayn Rand

I have this excerpt from writings by Ayn Rand on my bulletin board in my studio, it's been there for a long time along with a few other poems and quotes, including the wolf story I posted last month.

This writing has always inspired me to pick up the many pieces I may have dropped, and to not give up. "Check your road and the nature of your battle", that makes me to look around and ask myself "is this working for me?" For quite a while, apparently it was not. I barrelled down roads unheeding of any direction, and at times when I thought I was on the right path, I usually found that I was at a dead end.

Living with depression and its evil cousin anxiety often caused me to have many thoughts and emotions bombarding me all at the same time and the result was confusion, frustration, and hopelessness. Try as I might I couldn't get everything sorted out, so most of the time I operated on gut instinct alone which wasn't always the best thing I could have done. It sucked. My fire was almost completely out and any sparks were pretty darned weak.

Somehow, through the grace of God and maybe a few brain cells I still had left, I kept coming back for more. Stubborn I guess.

Getting into the right therapy coupled with the right medicine (and the right attitude) finally ended up being the very thing I needed to pick myself up once more and fight back to health and sanity, I began to see that I could succeed, that it WAS real, and it WAS possible.

It is amazing to me just how well the new modern medicines work to settle the brain down and keep the synapses firing as they should; Along with the hard work in session these drugs allow my brain to function a lot better, keeping me focused and calm. I can actually think about the road and nature of my battle and be able to make intelligent decisions on how to best proceed. I make no excuses about taking them and I'm not afraid to talk about it to others, to me this is the only way the stigma and misconceptions about this disorder will ever be known and understood. I won't ever stop my meds again as long as they help, even though my weekly time in session will soon end I will have the right tools to keep it going on my own.

My current road and battle is getting this weight off while continuing to become healthier in mind and spirit, I know how to realistically set goals and systematically work towards them instead of haphazardly making impossible promises to myself (and others) and becoming pissed off when I failed. That's the kind of stuff depression loves to feed from.

"The world you desired can be won" how exciting is THAT? Even though it might be a simple world, it still inspires me to know that this is a journey just beginning, one that is really attainable. I also know I will be up to the challenges that come my way.

I know this has been a bit rambling tonight, but I just let my thoughts come as they would and I have done my best to make some sense of them. If you read this all the way to here you probably should get an award or something, LOL! Anyway, I thank all my fs buddies I have here, you keep me going, checking my road and keeping my eyes on the prize.


22 August 2011

So I finally managed to slip under the 40's and I am darned happy about that! I followed my eating plan fairly well while I was away, but there were a few splurges too. However, with all of that cardio work, pool time and dog grooming I guess it was a net loss anyway. I have ceased to worry about it so much, gets frustrating.

I got a good night's rest and hit the gym early, I was not able to do strength training last week unless you count picking up and putting down dogs. LOL! I did 40 mins of weights and 55 minutes of treadmill - my best time yet, 15 minute miles for the first 2 miles and then 1.25 miles in 25 mins. It's getting a little easier but it's tough to hang in there at times - at my age, it's not a question of if it will hurt but rather where it will hurt and how much it will hurt! I am not giving up though!

And as promised, here are a few snaps of the doggies I groomed this past week. It's not all of them but enough to give you an idea.

L-R is Bear (Pomeranian), Oreo (Pomeranian), Pirhana (Chihuahua), Miss Wiggles (Yorkie), and Fat Pooh (Chihuahua).

L-R is Pirhana, Big Ears (Yorkie), Lindsey (Poodle), Pearl (Yorkie), Oreo and Bear.

L-R is Miss Scooter (Yorkie), Big Ears, Lindsey, Pearl, and Oreo.

And this is all of them with mama.

Here are a couple more of the pack, before and after haircuts:
Party Girl - before

Party Girl - After

And Hercules, a Llasa - something mix. Before:

And my handsome Lad after:

Those last 4 pics were actually taken in March, but I wanted to show the transformation a bit of grooming does. They are all good for me, they trust me and know I won't hurt them. It is some work, but it is fun!

Peace to all and have a great week!
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108,0 kg 18,1 kg 39,9 kg Recht gut
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