Saralyn's Notizen

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15 September 2010

So, we lost a runner for our relay this weekend and no one is having any luck finding a replacement. Looks like we are going to be a team of 11 runners instead of 12.

My portion doesn't get any harder, like I expected it to, but the first three runners each have to do four segments instead of three.

I'm really excited. The next few months have so much in store.

In a few weeks it will be my boyfriend and I's anniversary-ish. I met him on 9/25 last year, but we don't really know when it became official, so that is why I say -ish. Thus far this is the best relationship I've been in and I'm excited to see where life takes us.

We are the most active couple I know around here and it makes me happy to know we enjoy these things together. Lately most of our extra money is going toward races and other fun events. It's totally worth it.

This weekend is the Relay, next weekend we have the Greenway Challenge - another relay, he's running 5.8 miles and I'm biking 20.8 - October 8th we are going camping in Vermont and on the 10th we have another race - 3.6 miles for the Harpoon Brewery. My intentions for running races may be slightly skewed when they offer me tasty tasty beer at the end. To top the month off we are doing a 5K in Providence on Halloween. We may were costumes, yay!

I love my life.

13 September 2010

I find that I'm not as interested in inputting my food on here anymore. I'm not even sure if I find it a necessary evil to keep me on track. I probably err on the side of caution when I don't track and eat a little less because I don't know the exact number of calories I can have.

I think I may keep up with it during the week because work is dull and I can keep the website open. I rarely go online on the weekends and my phone is excruciatingly slow to enter stuff from. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do yet.

Four days!

Four days until the Reach the Beach Relay. I'm running 5.1 miles, 3.55 miles, and 4 miles.

I can do this.

We met with the running group yesterday morning (at 8am!) and ran 2.6 miles out, stopped and chatted for a bit and then back to where we started. It was my longest outdoor distance yet, but because of the break in the middle I'm not sure that I pushed myself enough.

5.1 miles with a gigantic uphill section that lasts about a mile. At most, that is 12 minutes of running up a hill. When I say it like that it sounds so simple, but I know it will be tough.

I can do this.

I feel like the little engine that could, but instead of telling myself "I think I can" I find that my mantra is "I know I can".

This will be a wonderful experience and I am an athlete for being able to do it. I may not look like an athlete, but I am one, just in a softer package than most.

I went to Old Navy last night just as they were closing to return a pair of pants and buy some new workout clothes. I figured I'd just get one or two things for the pants but I get some great deals. I bought the pants for $15 on a gift card, but I didn't have the receipt so when I brought them back I got the whole $29.50 in exchange value. I was very surprised that they didn't have a better way to track the purchases made with gift cards. I got a bunch of active wear and I ended up spending about $40 after the credit from the pants and the $10 I had left on my gift card (from my birthday! I saved a gift card for six months, that is unheard of for me.) I bought 9 items of clothing, that averages to less than $4 each. Nice!

08 September 2010

I'm making myself accountable by writing this here.

Starting yesterday I am limiting myself to only two per week of purchased coffee drinks from Dunkin' Donuts and other similar establishments. My coworker goes every day and I end up getting something most days. It is empty calories and far too expensive. I'm establishing a two drink, $5 limit each week. I had an iced latte yesterday and I'm not going to get anything today or tomorrow. I have a half day on Friday so I can do it this week.

I ran the hardest I've ever run yesterday. My original plan was to run faster so I can build up speed for the relay race but the 5-mile route I selected from the roads back behind my apartment was grueling. I still tried to run faster than usual but it was tough. The hills were never ending and it was a constant up and down which made it difficult to fall into a good rhythm. We did it though. I was moving at a running pace for all of it. How easily I would have given up in the past and just walked some of it to catch my breath and calm my heart a bit. I feel good knowing that I can run like this but my legs are revolting a bit today. Two days of recovery and then a 6-miler on Friday! (Note to self: find a way to find flatter routes.)

Aaron and I went apple picking on Monday. I only like apples this time of year. I can't stand the texture or flavor of anything other than fresh picked. I admit it, I am an apple snob.

I received notice yesterday that I'm going to be going forward with court for the small claim I filed against my ex. I'm not entirely sure what sort of proof he's going to show up with to show he actually paid his debt to me so this could get interesting. I can't imagine anything that he could actually come up with that would allow him to win this. We'll see though. I have a little over a month to get all my paperwork in order. I'm still kind of in awe that this whole thing is happening. We were always nice to each other and dealing with this like mature adults after the breakup and out of nowhere he decides he's not going to pay me anymore. People are full of surprises and unfortunately this isn't a good one.

Sushi on Friday with my dad! Can't wait :) Trying to eat extra well all this week to make room :p

03 September 2010

I ran more than six miles yesterday. Not quite 6.5, but more than six. Every time I run more than two, I am amazed.

Monday and yesterday I ran on the treadmill because it has been so hot here. I'm hoping this hurricane/tropical storms takes away some of this heat. Outdoor runs is the kind of training I need for the upcoming relay race.

I discovered that the treadmill at the gym only lets you set an hour time for exercise. It was frustrating. At the end I had to stop and then start it again for the final 10 minutes of my run. I'm sure they have a reason to cap it at an hour but I'm just a little grumpy about it. I lost my groove.

As of last night I was down to 147. I've had fairly low calories this week. A little higher yesterday because of all the exercise and absolutely needing to eat something when we got home.

I'm hoping the downward trend continues. I was at 149 for a long time!

Had an appointment with the thyroid doc yesterday. Some blood work being done so I'll get to see where my levels are after over a year on the same dosage of synthroid.

31 August 2010

On Saturday I skipped my first run since I started training. And I ate a million pounds of food. I didn't even make up my run on Sunday because it was my dad's birthday. He turned 50! 50! I can't believe it. I remember when he turned 30 and I got him a mug. My boyfriend is 30 and my dad just seemed so much different. Maybe because he was my dad and that automatically makes a person seem older.

I'm back on schedule with the running. And trying SO HARD to eat better. I can't do fun things. That's what I've decided. Of course I'm just kidding. I just need to have a little more self restraint when it comes to food (did I mention it was a weekend full of ALL my favorite things).

I've become a fan of cucumbers. I love, love, love pickles but never ever cared for cucumbers. I've had one the past three days dipped in some tasty hummus. Maybe it's because of the hummus, but I'm actually looking forward to the next cucumber I eat instead of worrying about picking them out of a salad. Taste buds are weird.

I bought a new pair of running shoes yesterday. I want to a nice store that fits you and watches how you walk and run. I tried on at least 10 different pairs of shoes and I picked one out and they were lovely and shiny and blue and comfortable in the store.

I went for a run on the treadmill. Four miles. At the end every bit of my legs was in pain. My knees still hurt. I'm probably going to return the shoes and stick with my current ones and maybe try the newer version of those if I decide to exchange the ones I bought. I'm very disappointed because it's about time for new shoes. I've gone about 350 miles or so on my current ones which cause no problems at all. Looks like I'm going to have to go on a sneaker quest.

Quiche for dinner tonight, or more likely the leftover mexican from Saturday because it will probably go bad soon and that would be the economical thing to do. I have to buy new tires for my car so it's probably best to be economical.

Boyfriend and I opened up a joint checking account for bills and stuff. I feel like that is a real good sign in a relationship. Go us!

I'm rambly and all over the place.

Hope everyone is having a good week!

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