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01 November 2010

28 Oktober 2010

26 Oktober 2010

I went to the gym today and it was so ridiculously hot inside. I tried to do my regular 5k on the treadmill and it just wasn't happening. I had the incline set a bit too and all the factors were against me. We've had really warm weather in MA the past two days and I don't think the gym realized it might need AC. I hope the nice weather keeps up and Aaron gets out of work while it's still light out so we can go running outdoors next time.

We have a 5k coming up this sunday for Halloween. I want to dress up for it but I'm having a really hard time thinking of a good costume that I'd be able to run in. Ideas are appreciated!

I photographed a wedding with a friend this past saturday. Eight hours on my feet moving around, ouch. Since I was busy though I didn't graze on food as much as I usually do so it was probably a good net day, I didn't really know how to calculate my exercise though so I just left it blank. I'm trying to get away from being super focused on the numbers. I don't have a lot to lose and I need to think more about the whole picture of getting fit. Running and (hopefully increased) strength training will do that for me.

I want to get more serious about my photography. The wedding was an eye opener for me. I take good pictures, I'm learning how to edit and make a good product, but I suck at interacting with people. While my friend was with the bride, I was sent to take pictures of the groom and his side of the family. I felt like I had no idea what I was doing. They kept asking for suggestions on how to pose and what arrangements to do and I was just drawing blanks. All day people were telling me to smile and I didn't even realize I wasn't. I need to be better about that.

I've started a daily photo blog; if anyone is interested :) Link fixed!

14 Oktober 2010

Our weekend in Vermont was incredible. I've always wanted to live in Vermont or somewhere farm-y and rural like that. I fell in love with the place completely this weekend. It was rough to come back home and have to go to work.

I've been getting back into photography full swing again. It's really helping me feel more productive. My job is so draining, but photography is getting me outside and walking around. I've been finding new places right after work so I don't mindlessly eat while I wait for Aaron and dinner in the evenings. I'm trying to actually get serious about this. I'm helping a friend with a wedding next weekend. Experience!

I'm going to go to the gym tonight, maybe a short run. I did the elliptical on Monday and I just really don't like it. I'm really trying to be stricter about my calories, but it just isn't happening. I wan to stay right around 1400, I don't even know the last time I was able to do that.

We've finished the beer in the house, that was my biggest problem so I'm hoping I can keep my intake lower without the alcohol. Though it doesn't help that we bought wine and cheese from Vermont. Everything is so delicious. I had meat on Monday, I'm really aiming for that to be my last meal with meat, or at least wean myself to one meal a week and less as much as possible.

Now that I've told myself I'm doing this, I'm totally craving a roast beef sandwich from my favorite deli in Worcester. Hoping they have some delicious vegetarian delight I'll want to try.

No loss on the scale, but I tried a lot of my older pants that I've been hanging on to and most of them fit. I even have a new (old) favorite pair of jeans!

05 Oktober 2010

After the big race on the 17-18th, I took a break from running for a bit to recover.

I ran again for the first time last Tuesday and had a busy week so I didn't run again until last night.

The weather in MA has been absolutely awful lately. Cool, windy, damp and rain more often than not. We toyed with the idea of running outside last night because it seemed like there was a break in the rain, but we got busy doing things around the house and before we realized it, there was no sunlight left at all!

I'm not ready for this change of season. I can deal with the cold, but I hate that it gets dark early. I know it's not early yet, but I know it's on the way.

Last night was a really good run. I'll usually take it easy on the treadmill and run 5.5 or 6.0 mph but last night I had it on 6.5 mph and did fairly well for most of the run. I had to slow it down a little bit because I started feeling a little queasy, but I was able to speed back up after a few minutes. I ran the 5K in less than 30 minutes and I'm hoping to get an even better pace for the 3.6 mile race this weekend.

We are camping in Vermont and doing a race with the Harpoon Brewery. It's going to be cold, but we've got a lot of fun stuff planned.

Camping Friday and Saturday night and Saturday during the day we are probably going to go on a hike, visit the Cabot Cheese factory and the Ben & Jerry's factory. Maybe a trip to the Long Trail Brewery as well.

My weight hasn't changed in over a month. Well, it's gone up slightly, but I don't know that it's a true gain, and if it is, I don't feel or look bigger so I continue recording only my lowest weights.

I've been trending above my RDI for a while know and I haven't been making the most health conscious decisions. (KFC, wth was I thinking?) I'm going to try to get back around 1300-1400 for a little while and see if that helps. Also running more again and exploring around here before it's too cold to do so.

I'll get there. I'm hoping at least 10lbs by Christmas.

I'm also going to shamelessly post this link again:

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