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26 August 2010

24 August 2010

Since August 2nd I have run 36 miles.

I have pretty much followed my half-marathon training schedule from Runner's World to a T. I have two days of prescribed rest/cross-training on Tuesday and Thursday so I've fudged the days a bit, but I've done the correct number of workouts each week.

I am very proud of myself for sticking with it so well.

I have been running more and more outside. I do believe my Nike+ tracker errs on the short side of things so when I think my four mile run is done, I've been going a bit further because I don't want to short change myself. I think I did that last Thursday.

For Saturday I used Runkeeper to map out a run around a lake near my home and it told me it was 3.34 miles but I'm uneasy about bringing my iPhone on a run and actually using the Runkeeper app because I'm a klutz and very afraid of dropping it so I stick with the Nike+. An old iPod nano is a much less expensive device to ruin, though I would still be sad. Anyway, the Nike+ said that same route was 4.1 miles after I'd finished it. I had never had that big of a discrepancy with it before. I know there is a way to calibrate it so I'll have to look into that. I ran 4.1 miles last Thursday according to the Nike+ but it was probably less and I was all proud of myself for doing for but fell short since training required 4 miles.

It was rainy and windy here yesterday so it was my first indoor run since almost two weeks ago. I set the inline at 2 or 3% to attempt to mimic outdoors and I tried to keep it slightly above 4 miles since I have to run 5 on Thursday and I want to know I can do it.

This is a boring entry all about running. Sorry!

I'm definitely in that relay race, and it is now less than a month away. I'm slightly freaking out. I don't know what my portions are yet. I really hope I find out soon. that's the website if anyone is interested in reading about the crazy adventure.

I haven't been doing so well keeping my calories in range lately. I'm trying not to worry too much. I know it will be easier after the race and after the summer is over, although I hate so much to have the excuse of putting it off because I know how bad that is.

18 August 2010

17 August 2010

Stress. What an annoying thing.

I've barely recorded in the past week. I didn't eat poorly (that much), but I have been so ridiculously busy.

This was actually a really hard week. Boyfriend and I had a big disagreement on Thursday, but everything is good now and interestingly enough, I feel that we are even closer. I had training at work on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday so that took me out of the office for the majority of the day for most of the week. My coworker and I had to stay late on Wednesday and Thursday to pay attention to some of the work that was piling up. I also had to work on Saturday because the football players were moving in and I had to be there to answer questions for them. We went to Rhode Island on Saturday to see friends and didn't get home until 3am which killed half of Sunday since we slept past noon (I never do that).

Yesterday I had the day off to take care of some stuff. I have to file a small claims suit against my ex-boyfriend because he owes me a lot of money. I'm still kind of in a haze about the whole thing. I kind of can't believe it happened to me and now I have to go through this whole big thing and get courts involved. Oh well. Such is life.

I've mostly kept to my training schedule for the running. We ran outside Saturday morning and it's amazing how much more difficult it is than the treadmill...even when I have the incline set. I need to try to run outdoors as much as possible if I'm going to be even remotely prepared for the relay race in a month. I was supposed to run yesterday but the day was so busy and Aaron didn't get home until past 8pm and we kind of unintentionally settled in for the night. I promised myself I'd get up and run this morning...didn't happen. I'll run outdoors tonight and it's only one day off the schedule. Early in the week I can manage because Tuesday and Wednesday are non-running days so I'll still have tomorrow for rest before my long 4-mile run on Thursday.

Would someone please make the humidity in Massachusetts go away?

08 August 2010

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