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06 August 2010

Last night I was supposed to run 2 miles according to my training schedule. I ran 3 (and then some) by mistake. I never thought I'd be able to say I ran more than a mile that wasn't on purpose.

The schedule has me run a slightly slower than 12min/mile and I find that hard to do because it's too slow for me to find a comfortable pace I think. I'm not sure what it is. I set the treadmill to 5.3 mph which is an 11:30min/mile and I was pretty comfortable, but probably could have gone faster.

Nike+ said I had done 3.6 miles after 36 minutes of running and 8 minutes of walking (warm up and cool down) so I'm feeling pretty good about that. I ran the last .6 miles at a 10min/mile pace and my heart rate rocketed into nearly dangerous levels. I think I should definitely stick with going slower until I get stronger, cardiovascularly. Well, really it was 175bpm which is okay for short periods of time. I'd still like 10min/mile to be a pace I can maintain on an every day basis.

Today is going to be an over day, calorie-wise. I'm going out for Mexican with my two best friends back home in Rhode Island (I wonder if I'll ever stop referring to RI as "back home" even though I only moved one state away?) and I was going to keep the day low until then but late mornings and missing phones prevented me from making a good breakfast before work so I ended up getting a bagel sandwich from Dippin' Donuts. Oh well, I'll just work out hard tomorrow.

Tomorrow! We are going to see Barenaked Ladies in concert in Boston. So excited for that. Definitely means I need to get my 2 mile run in in the morning though. If it's nice out maybe I'll go outside.

Have a good weekend everyone!

edit: I'm inching toward 148! Only has been taking me the better part of three weeks.

02 August 2010

I bought a container of mixed greens for my lunch this week. I usually buy two spinach and arugula... and mix them. I haven't been eating it all before it goes bad so I decided to buy less this week. I got something called an Herb Garden Blend. I think it has dill in it. Whatever it is, I don't like it at all. The rest is pretty tasty, but something was overpowering and made me slightly disappointed in the whole mix.

I'm trying really hard to focus on better eating this week. I didn't do so well last week. I think a large part of it was that we didn't have much in the house and we should have gone grocery shopping much sooner. Another part was that a bunch of Aaron's family was visiting from various parts of the country and it meant family dinners and desserts and just more food than I should have eaten.

We went out to a lake on Saturday with my dad and two of his cousins that were visiting from Maryland and Connecticut. My dad has a waverunner and we went around on that most of the day. Hanging onto a tube in the water is hard work! I'm sure I can rely on that being some sort of exercise. I kayaked a bunch too and got a sunburn. No matter how much sunscreen I put on, it never seems like it's enough. It must have washed off.

I signed up to run a 200 mile relay race across New Hampshire. I must be crazy. I don't know if I'll get selected because I'm not a super strong runner, but if I can take some of the shorter legs, I could definitely do my part. It sounds like so much fun. 12 people, 36 legs, 209 miles. A simply amazing adventure to be a part of.

One of my best friends is currently on a journey across the US. He has nothing more than a kick scooter and his two feet to carry him to Austin, TX (so far, I think it wants to ultimately make it to California). He is counting on the kindness of strangers that he meets along the way and couchsurfing to get the rest and amenities he needs. I think it is such a cool adventure. I don't know if I could do it, but it's very amazing whenever I think about it.

I've always wanted to hike the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine. His journey is almost double that, though he has roads to traverse and beds to sleep in most of the time. He's keeping tabs of his daily travels at if anyone is interested in reading up on his crazyness thus far.

28 Juli 2010

Someone just posted this pic of me on Facebook. It was from May 8th...after I started trying to lose weight, but not after I started trying seriously and before I started tracking (mostly) everything on FS. So, this is me 9lbs ago (roughly, maybe more) and I can already see differences. Those were my favorite jeans that were getting too tight and now they are very close to being too big but are really comfortable that way that only slightly loose jeans that you've owned for years can be.

It's been slow going so far but I'm seeing differences and no matter how small that is enough to keep me going.

I'm not depriving myself of anything. There are so many things I could make better decisions about, but either that will come in time or it will just take me longer to reach my goals because I have a few too many drinks in a month or really enjoy those french fries from Wendy's. I see it as progress because I'm not eating those things as often as I was and I can tell that my taste for them is changing and I don't even want it as much, but the desire is still there at times.

So I eat what I want, pretty much when I want but for the day-to-day I'm making much better, health-conscious decisions. I love my yogurt and oatmeal and cottage cheese that I regularly eat for breakfast. Wonderful substitutions to bagels with egg and cheese or cream cheese. I'm making dinner at home much more and I'm actually trying my hand at new recipes and introducing variety to my life.

I enjoy going to the gym. I am going to run a half marathon and someday I want to run a full marathon. I'm probably going to be participating in a 200 mile relay race across New Hampshire in September and being fit enough to accomplish these running goals is such an inspiration to myself to keep going and to others in my life.

I am not overweight. I weigh 149 and I could weigh this weight the rest of my life and be completely okay with that. I'm "normal" according to BMI charts (if you choose to rely on them). What I do want is a body that can aspire to the lofty goals I have, not matter what weight that body is.

27 Juli 2010

k8yk was talking about crustless quiche yesterday so I decided to try to make one. She said you can use pretty much any dairy that you want with the eggs so I did a combination of greek yogurt and whole milk. I threw in some broccoli, portabella mushrooms and onion. Delicious! and so easy.

I also saw kefir mentioned somewhere and I had wondered what it was. Turns out, I unknowingly had some in my fridge the whole time! Aaron and I went to Trader Joe's and saw this pomegranate cultured milk stuff. I hadn't really read the package and just saw it was pomegranate so we bought it. Turns out it was kefir. That could definitely be tasty in a quiche too. We made our protein smoothie with it last night after the gym with some tasty berries. It was a lot thicker than our usual smoothies, but pretty tasty.

I officially started training for a half marathon yesterday. I signed up for a Runner's World training program which I kind of halfheartedly attempted to start last week but I just wasn't in a right place for the gym last week with my ear issues. It starts off slow and easy. Yesterday was a 2 mile run at a 12:30 pace. I find it really hard to run at that speed without unnecessary strain on my knees so I ran at 12:00min/mile which was a little slower than my usual 10min/mile. I ran for 27 minutes which is a little more than 2 miles at that pace but I still wanted to get a good workout in and I was afraid to take it too easy. I'm sure it will get really tough as I get to 6 and 7 mile runs. I need to do some of them outside.

Next outdoor 5K race is on Halloween. I think I'm going to dress up for it. By then I should be a pro at 3.1 miles and I won't have to worry so much about clothing.

Ear is on the mend, but due to the anti-biotics I got a (TMI) yeast infection. Wow, uncomfortable.

22 Juli 2010

I have an ear infection. I got them a few times when I was a kid but I don't remember it ever being this painful. I can't get the drops to actually go in and wiggling my ear all around is not helping.

I was supposed to do a two mile run today for my Runner's World half marathon training schedule but I just can't imagine being able to do that when every step I take would pound into my poor swollen ear canal.

Boyfriend and I went to the movies after going to the gym last night. We haven't gone to the movies since we first started dating almost a year ago. So many people told me that Inception was a great movie and he had a couple of passes that had been hanging around since Christmas, so we decided to go. It was good but we are both miserable and in pain.

Yesterday after we had a great workout at the gym with no issues, he pulled something in his neck/shoulder while showering. Ridiculous.

Scaled at the gym said 149.5 on Tuesday but I didn't record it because I don't want to get in a habit of using half numbers. Yesterday it was somewhere in the 148-149 range but I was impatient and didn't feel like waiting for the scale to level out so I'm sticking with 149 for now. It feels good to break out of the 150's. Woo hoo!

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